Posted by
Madhomemaker March 4, 2017 -
Filed in
My husband with all his fancy degrees and talent is not going to find a job. Cause he simply doesn't believe that he will. And he has stopped applying for a job. He doesn't want to do anything less than what he he is old now nobody needs his expertise. Who needs a software developer with RSI when you can find q100s if young men. was doing. He keeps working away day and night writing software that no one buys. No one pays for. Now he is hoping that his latest app might sell and we will get out of here using that money. But I am not so sure. He is such a ******* perfectionist he has all these plans he over does everything and he never finishes anything goes he is always making it better making it perfect. Once he finishes it it doesn't sell. How will it be any different this time.
How am I going to get out of this hell hole without any money. Am I going to be stuck here for ever. My parents won't help me. His parents won't help him . The blood y god I have been praying to has been screwing me for life. Why can't he just ******* give my husband a job so that we can get the hell out of here and mind our business and live alone. I don't want to and I will not get involved or cause trouble for anyone. Why won't our apps sell. I tried buying lottery ticket and even that did not work out. What am I to do. Where am I to go who am I to ask.