Posted by
peaceofmind50 November 5, 2016 -
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Life & Society
Heck.. I am still unsure what thumos actually is. I must admit today was the first day I encountered the word. I wonder what your take on thumos is? I wrote something about it down below, my insane brain was triggered by finding an article on thumos today, lol.
The ancient greek word THUMOS (spiritedness, passion, an outburst of passion), there is actually no word in the english dictionary that really describes it, the Greeks even had trouble truly defining it. Some believe it has to do with anger and wrath, I think anger can be good sometimes. I believe thumos is something which can actually awaken the human conscience, I believe there is good thumos and bad thumos.
Thumos shapes our soul, we can either contribute to our soul's tarnish or make our soul shine. To me thumos is an energy within our souls when used wisely can help us maintain virtue. It can awakens us, give meaning and purpose to our lives. When used positively it often has an effect on our soul's barometer which can eventually provide us the scale to balance our heart and mind. Thumos often reminds us when we need to act and stand up for what is right. It is kind of like the batteries of a flashlight which can highlight truth, it provides the virtuous passion to a just man. It can stir our inner being and awaken our human conscience. It can trigger the necessary action and goodness in a man when he reaches a crossroad in his life and provide him with the self-awakening and the "fire in the belly" necessary to take action.
Thumos used by a righteous man sustains integrity. It is a feeling one receives which gives additional meaning to the phrase: "Carpe Diem," reminding each individual to seize the day. Thumos when used correctly awakens us to do great things and to live purposeful lives.
Thumos needs to be used within the light. If this thing called thumos is used within the darkness, it can destroy a human being and others. It is like fire, when a fire is used in a controlled way, it is a great source of energy. When thumos is used like a fire out of control, it can cause destruction.
Truth and thumos go great together, lies combined with thumos breed corruption. For when human beings shun truth or maybe even worse make truth relative, a civilization crumbles becoming corrupt eventually leading to its inevitable demise. Truth is the ultimate equalizer, no human being can evade truth. Truth will catch up with all of us one day, especially when we reject God and throw away every aspect of virtue within ourselves and our communities. A society without virtue will always crumble and fall. A society dearth of virtue needs masters to control it, corrupt masters who will enslave that society. No government will satisfy a society which is empty of virtue and the good thumos needed to maintain it.
Thumos and moral clarity are both needed when we reach the point of cognitive dissonance. When thumos is used properly it pushes us to make the right decision which in turn nurtures our soul. Thumos and virtue when used in combination are two things which keep a society free. Freedom requires vigilance, it does not maintain itself when just men become passive and ignore evil. Thumos is an essential part of the human soul, we must use it wisely and for goodness. When good thumos and virtue are beaten out of a society, the civilization within this society renders itself impotent and ensures its very destruction. I wish you all good thumos, stay within the light and use your thumos to always seek truth, know truth and have the passion to do goodness.