Posted by
nobodylair.37 May 7, 2017 -
Filed in
Outside the Mug
#derivative af
Imagine this:
everything was and is there and it passes us without a single notice fluttering in our brains. it's just there occupying its own space, it's there serving someone.. but not us, not all of us at the same time, anyway. it means less than nothing, cause for it to mean something or nothing, we have to make a note of its existence first, but we didn't and we don't.
imagine the freedom, of things unrecognized. walking or standing still, it doesn't matter. we're both passers-by; passing each other, not even having the fleeting thought that maybe we should turn around and examine that which glistens nearby. it's not there. it occupies its own physical space in existence, but doesn't occupy any space inside of us.
the freedom that comes from things unattached. no memories screeching their nails on the surface of a song or a drawing a smile in the air of floating tree leaves. no cognitive entries written in our brains that explain the meaning of these words or the shape the iris takes inside the eyesocket of someone. no meaning, no recognition, no feeling.
these things remain just things, and we effortlessly and unintentionally return the favor, of being just things to them as well. we do not burden them with too many useless human emotions, or some made up significance which they can't live up to nor desire to do so.
the state of unrecognition, that maybe if we're lucky.. turns into apathy, and then if we're really lucky, turns into a non-feeling. not stuck between two dimentions; just not being here at all.
no one is a memory. no one is a smell invoked in you when you least expect it to. no one is a face that sails all the way to your head to keep you up at night. no one matters... no one is here.
all of us are passers-by, or better yet, just passers, not by you or anything, but passing through everything, and this everything includes both you and all these things you don't recognize.
... but here you are parting your dry lips, opening your wet mouth, taking one deep breath in, as your eyelids slowly lift up to be reflected in the mirror.
it's then you know,
that it's too late.