Posted by
Silverwings December 31, 2018 -
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Jake was a beautiful dog, born to a mother who was
a prized champion.His father however, didn't have the blue
blood like she did. It wasn't supposed to be that Jake was
born of this union, but somehow, even with all precautions
taken, it still happened. In an unguarded moment, his mom
slipped through the fence and volia, Jake was
It caused great upset, for this to happen, but it wasn't
easily undone, so Jake was born
From the start, he was a georgeous pup, gaining the
attention of anyone who came near. He soon came to
realize that he was special. As he grew he continued to
gain popularity, with the human population.
His coat was solid white and very full. When it came
time for the litter to be weaned, the owner decided to
keep Jake, she hadn't planned to, because he wasn't full
bloodied, like his mother, but he had such a winning way
with people, that she just couldn't resist.
He had her wrapped around his little finger, so to
speak. What ever he wanted she got for him, special
dog food to make his coat shine even more, tasty
treats, and lots of attention. Jake ate it up.He knew
he had become the center of her world.
Untill the day came when the job she had asked
her to move to a different area, one where she was
not allowed to have dogs. So with a heavy heart, she
took a picture of Jake and advertised it on the front
page of the paper she was in charge of.
The new owner recognized Jakes merits right
away, and was very proud to own him. She soon ran
into a problem, though, for it turned out that Jake
liked human attention so much that he would do
anything to stay beside a human.
He had grown very large by this time, and
exceedingly strong. He had learned that with
practice he could run and lunge at his chain,
until finally it would give into the pressure and
His new owner allowed him to follow her around
the farm, when he was loose. He never bothered any
of the other animals. He would come up to them and
get to know them, but not attempt to harm them in
any way, except at times when certain other dogs
were out that decidedly liked to chase the cats,
and to be way too rough with other smaller dogs.
He was reprimanded several times over this
behavior, but he persisted, not being able to stay
out of the chase, if another dog took off. This caused
his owner great consternation, because she knew it
was not right for the smaller animals to be treated this
way, and since Jake would not listen, he had to be
restrained in some way.
The only option being to tie him with a chain. He
was put in a very large pen, with lots of trees and running
room, but soon found a way out of that, then he was put
on several different chains, but managed to break every
one of them. He would not be still or content anywhere
unless he was loose and free to do as he pleased, including
chasing other animals.
He was observed lunging at his restraints, jumping
high into the air, then falling back when he came to the end
of his chain. He learned how to climb over the fence that
was near him, back and forth until he had entangled his
chain to the point he could not move, then he would bark
until someone rescued him.
He also learned how to climb one of the fruit trees
near enough for him to reach it, causing his chain to get
hopelessly entangled in the limbs, breaking off many,
allowing them and the fruit to fall to the ground. He constantly fought his restraints, turning over his dog house numerous times, quickly wearing out the grass, anywhere he was tied, and barking until he was untangled.
His owner loved him very much, and tolerated this
behavior until she had exhaused all patience and every
possible situation for him, except one.
He was taken to the barn and put on a chain that
was impossible to break, and tied near other dogs so
that he wouldn't be lonely, and given an entire stall of
his own, under a big tree for shade, the chain being long
enough for him to get plenty of exercise, but this still
did not suit the gentle giant.
He continued his obstinate behavior, refusing to bow
to authority, insisting on having his own way, until he
finally found a way out of this new situation, or so
he thought.
The barn door was the only thing loose that he could
get to, so he worked on it until he had it almost ready to
fall from the hinges, and low and behold if he didn't devise
one more trick, thinking it would bring him his much desired
freedom, somehow he was able to climb over the top of a
door that was about 6 foot tall, and jump to the other
side, but he didn't count on one thing, the door was
made of boards and between each of them was a crack
just wide enough for his chain to fall into, and since it was
unbreakable it did not move, when his owner found him, it
was too late to help him anymore.
So his short life ended before he was two, and all the
adoration and attention that he had received had not saved
him from himself.His strong determination to have his own
way brought about his own demise.
So the morale of this story is beauty and strong will , alone
are not sufficient to live a good life, one must be willing to listen and obey, especially to those in charge of you.You can find ways to break the bonds that hold you, but it might not be the best thing for you. The freedom you so desire, just might be your undoing.
To live together on this planet, there has to be order, and
with order comes rules to live by, if we are willing to be obedient, we can find the freedom we so desire within the restraints, without having to fight every step of the way, and find out in the end that we can not win, for God created us to be obedient and trusting. In time he will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, He knows what we need to be happy, and is willing to supply it, if we are willing to trust and wait, contentedly.
When we take things into our own hands, sometimes the
out come is far from what we expect and the price greater
than we desire to pay.