There are completely different meanings for the same word in the West and the Far East.
What does it mean to you?
How do you determine it?
And how does your way work best for you?
I have always dreamed of traveling the world but my family throws a fit if I suggest going away for more that a couple of months, even though they are all invited.
I just am very shy, and a guy wanted to hear my voice, after we were quite flirty and connected, but I do have anxiety dating, and with men in general. I declined... I just am not ... moreI just am very shy, and a guy wanted to hear my voice, after we were quite flirty and connected, but I do have anxiety dating, and with men in general. I declined... I just am not a phone person at All. He understood, but I know was a bit bummed. Would you just accept talking on the phone after only one chat?
1. Attend special services for the victims.
2. Send cards, notes, flowers to those affected by the tragedy of 9-11.
3. Pray for them.
4. Find inner peace within yourself.
5. Anything else?
So I was reading his recent statements about pot legalization:
"If we want to expand this universe of people that are addicted and abusing drugs, well, you’ll have that chance in N... moreSo I was reading his recent statements about pot legalization:
"If we want to expand this universe of people that are addicted and abusing drugs, well, you’ll have that chance in November," he said at a news conference. He added, "I don’t think that any state became stronger by being stoned."
I found his statements to be principally incompatible with the state's gun policy, which is beloved by republicans. Don't get me wrong, I totally support gun rights and all that, I just find it odd that politicians who support un-permitted concealed carry laws, un-permitted open carry laws and don't even support a maintaining a gun registry in the state somehow think pot legalization is such a dangerous policy.
Am I the only one that thinks this is empty fear-mongering? less