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Nourishing Traditions » Discussions » Paleo/ Primal Diet

Paleo/ Primal Diet

I'm just looking at my groups, and am surprised to find this one lacking members!
Are there no Paleo or Primal Diet followers here?

Nourishing Traditions is a book by Sally Fallon, based on the ideas of Dr Weston Price of the WAPF Foundation, a dentist who studied the diets of traditional tribes when he noticed how superior their teeth were to those consuming a modern Western diet.

The NT/ WAPF diet is very similar to Paleo/ Primal, with a particular emphasis on fermented foods and raw dairy, and the addition of *soaked and sprouted* grains. (Yes, I know grains are a no-no for Paleo/ Primal, but grains are only permitted in the NT/ WAPF diet when they have been soaked and sprouted, thus removing phyto-toxins).

If you're interested in Paleo/ Primal or ancient, traditional food, please join and share recipes and experiences.