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Dundee courier sensationalised a YOUGOV survey showing that 62% of Scots wore something under the kilt (55% for underwear). This high figure probably reflects the fact that many are one or two time wearers who probably would not have the confidence to do otherwise.

I suspect that if you came across a Scots kilt wearer he would more likely than not be a True Scotsman. 

The statistics for whether females think Scots should wear anything do not suffer such bias and are more finely balanced and in the case of younger age range and SNP supporters heavily in favour of True Scots. 

If you are into statistics, The full details are on


  • Malizz,   A woman recently asked me if I'd take part in a survey of the same.   Her questions were more about life style.

    Like,  when did I start wearing kilts,  how many do I have;  what do I wear with a kilt for a formal, informal or casual;  which tartans;  do I belong to a clan;   how often;  where and when.  And  finally  do I wear anything under a kilt and if so what?   I told her that I never  answer  that question.  When  I asked her what she would expect or prefer to find under a kilt  she went bright red.       She did tell me what the survey was for, but I can't remember.

    Posted September 25, 2016
  • The Scotsman/Evening News have only now discovered this and posted it via Twitter/Facebook. 

    However in their article they have run their own poll which is has way different results.

    Posted October 10, 2016
  • I went out for an evening meal in York the other day and as usual the city was busy.  We shared a table with two visiting African ladies in their mid twenties. 
    They were fascinated with my kilt and a really in-depth  discussion developed about national dress and interests.  There's been many occasions where my wearing my kilt has started up conversations with complete strangers.
    Posted October 6, 2016