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Bluritit / ASK / & all refugees » Discussions » Thanks for asking me to join the group. I've learned how to "hide" posts from certain people, so that helps me cut down on the drama. :)

Thanks for asking me to join the group. I've learned how to "hide" posts from certain people, so that helps me cut down on the drama. :)

  • OK. Go to the Home Page of AnswerMug. For example, the first question I see is from Jewels Vern. Hover over the question - it should turn red - and there is an arrow to the right of the question. Click on the arrow and it will give you some options. (Save Feed.  Feed Link.  Hide.   Report Feed.  Hide all by Jewels Vern (because I was on his question). Hope this helps!

    I posted a Valentine pix of the granddaughter - thanks for the "toy"!
    Posted February 20, 2017
  • HA! That is too funny!
    Posted February 20, 2017
  • I think I can find the group now!  
    Posted February 20, 2017
  • Danae the baby pictures are beautiful.  I like the ones you put on Blurti.
    Posted February 20, 2017