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Music lover » Discussions » Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite (1992)

Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite (1992)

This was my favourite single of the year 1992. I heard it in a shop recently and it still sounds as fresh and original today as it did 24 years ago. I was very pleased when this song reached number one. Tasmin Archer never had another Top 10 single but she did have four more Top 40 singles and one Top 10 album that stayed in the charts for 42 weeks, so at least she escaped the "one-hit wonder" tag. Nevertheless, we don't hear anything from her these days, except those occasions when this song is played. Whatever happened to her?

  • This peaked at #32 in the US, her only Hot 100 song. Ipaid little attention to music during the 90s, so I have no recollection of this song. It is pleasant.

    Posted August 20, 2016
  • Bez

    One thing I'll say about the 1990s: it was a far better decade for music than the previous decade. I paid little attention to chart music during the 1980s because the charts were full of sh*t, but in the early 1990s I began to sit up and take notice again. It was during the early 1990s that I began to notice a large number of good female vocalists in the charts, a trend which continued for over a decade afterwards. "Sleeping Satellite" is a sterling example of this. I didn't know whether it charted in the US or not because my Billboard Book of US Top 40 hits is an old edition and it doesn't go beyond 1984. The last US number one listed in my book is Madonna's "Like A Virgin" which was the Christmas number one of 1984 in the US (it only got to number 3 in the UK, where the top two Christmas singles were Christmas songs, Band Aid's "Do They Know It's Christmas" at 1 and Wham's "Last Christmas" at 2). To think, all that is more than 30 years ago now. It makes us wonder where all the years went. Lol:)

    Posted August 20, 2016
  • Posted August 21, 2016