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rattbagge's Polls

Covid 19

What is the best we can hope for with the Covid epidemic:

a) It will eventually blow itself out like many pandemics do.
b) It was clearly engineered by some unknown agency to clear out the dead wood of humanity, the hangers-on and the crumb-gobblers, the indecisive, the ineffectual, the gawmless and the incompetent, in order to enliven and enrich the species.
c) It is a test to see how firm our resolution in pretending all is well and to carrying on as usual.
d) We will see that current attitudes and precautions are inadequate to meet the challenge, and will very soon smarten up and tighten the covid precautions across the board, regardless of suffering lower income and of missing out on important sports and entertainment events and other accustomed conveniences. 
e) Get out there and smash up some stores and vehicles and assault a few people because our normal opportunities for fun have been unfairly quashed by heartless covid restrictions. It's so unfair - I mean, WE didn't cause covid!
f) Patiently wait for covid to do its job, so I and my friends can play on the interstate without fear of getting mown down or interrupted by crazy uncaring drivers, plus we can help ourselves to all the terrific stuff lying around for the taking.   
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