Mugger Stats
Member Type: Mugger
Profile Views: 922 views
Friends: 8 friends
Last Update: July 16, 2019
Joined: February 24, 2014
Screen Name*
Mr. Speedy Skates
About Me:
I love to long-track speed skate. Usually 500 to 5000 meters, though I've done 10000 a couple of times. Extremely hard, but not impossible! :D
Hi Danny! Is it Danny73 from the ol' AB? It's Rex, Mr. Speed Skates, from AB!
Nice to see you here Danny! The only time I'm usually on here is later in the evening, after work or speed skating practice. I'm training a lot for my long-track speed skating now, out doors and in. Rex
Hi AG, nice to see you on Answermug! Good to see a lot of ex-AB'ers here, but where's Danny73? Mr. Speed Skates
Nice to see ya! I didn't know I already had a profile set up. I'm now under Mr. Speedskates too.
Hey, Element, remember me? Hehe.
Element, let's be friends. Whaddya say? C'mon.
Hi. I've been to Alberta many times to speed skate, especially in Calgary, and a couple of times in Edmonton, where you live I see. Rex