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Member Type: Mugger
Profile Views: 4,306 views
Friends: 6 friends
Last Update: September 20, 2019
Joined: March 28, 2016
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About Me:
I am a Christian and I believe Jesus will come back soon. I have 2 kids and 3 small grandkids. I am single but would like to remarry one day. I like to ski, work, hike, sing, sail, travel, and watch documentaries. I am adventurous, and love to have fun!
Welcome to AM!
Thank you for joining the Christian group. I checked out your profile and I love your library background!
Thank you!
I am from Sweden, but live in California. I added more on my profile. I am single have 2 kids and 2 grandkids.
Thank you for your witness
welcome! beautiful pictures. Where are they taken?
Welcome Alpinista!
Thank you Just asking for all your help, and welcome!
I can't post questions in the general question area? It freezes up and it wont post?
Hi Silverwings, Thank you so much for your nice greeting. You are amazing how you inspire and encourage. Thank you so much! I have a business (praise God for his provision) and praise God for my grandchildren (2yrs and 3 yrs) I babysit a lot but witnessing here is important! You are great! Any kids or grandkids yourself?
Hi, It was in the wrong category I guess because the word thankful, and God. So I put it in religion section and it flew off ha, ha... Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. You must have million questions!
I am praying for you and your health! How are you?
Are those your animals? How wonderful to have a farm!
Here is a great video of a Muslims conversion to Christianity.
Welcome to AM and fitness and nutrition group!
valkommen Metalwolf38
SmartKat can you tell me a little more about your needs? I tried to PM you.
Hi Nawab Farid welcome friend!
How are you? Have you left this site, I hope not!
Welcome Susanne. And welcome to Christian group!
Hi How are you Filthybeast?
Hi friend- I love your profile picture! This site is tricky to figure out huh? I like it so far, do you? Thank you for the friend request...
I wrote to you in the comment wall at the bottom of your profile and it shows up after 30 seconds at the top of your profile activities.
You joined this Christian group? That's great! No I haven't heard that one.
Phinheasgage I can't post a general question, it freezes up?
Welcome Marsocks!
Welcome Major
Welcome to AM and the fitness and the nutrition group.
My health is not too good. I have essential tremors that causes my head to shake at times, and the cervical dystonia in my neck gives me trouble from time to time, and I fell and broke my hip a couple of years ago, and now I walk very carefully on a cane, but God is good, and I am not complaining, I still can work on the computer, which I enjoy, and I can still drive, which is a real blessing. I Just need to get out and about more, go visit old friends and my children. I thank you for every prayer you have prayed for me, and I cherish your friendship. Many blessings.....GS
I had 5 horses but I ended up selling them due to the fact that I am no longer able to care for them. When my husband was alive we had all sorts of animals, milk goats (that was cool, Gretchen was the mama goat, the main one we milked, and she was sooooo gentle, I could even milk her, then she had a pair of twins, they were the sweetest things I ever saw!! Then we had a sow that had about 10 piglets, and that was amazing too, until they figured out how to get out of the fencing, and went straight to the neighbors back yard, of all things, they had 45 acres to run on, but no, that was not good enough. He called and said they had destroyed his whole back yard, but, thank goodness, he exaggerated greatly, and I was able to tamp it back down into place without much trouble.