Mugger Stats
Member Type: Mugger
Profile Views: 2,036 views
Friends: 2 friends
Last Update: May 27, 2017
Joined: February 6, 2016
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Where do you live?
American Cross Roads
About Me:
I'm an old married man, a retired philosophy professor, a veteran of the Korean War, politically, socially and religiously liberal, scientifically oriented with a physics and astronomy background, intensely curious about what goes on in the heads of people and animals...
Jenny! Hurray! It's wonderful to find you again! I'm one of your old friends/fans from Answerbag. How've you been, what's going on in your life, who else is on board? Huw
How's Patty doing? And your sister?
About "objectification": We are all objects; that is the price we pay for being able to express ourselves -that is, to make our subjectivity effective in the world. To be able to affect anything else, we must allow ourselves to be affected. This, I think, is what the Buddha meant when he said that the cause of all suffering is desire.
Pants? What pants?
Hello Jennifer! What brings you here? Huw
Well, Ma'am, if you want my friendship with no romantic slippages -since I'm a married man and have been for over 60 years- just say so. I read a lot and like movies too, though I don't see many.
Playful, likes groups, k9... Sounds great! Huw
Re Korea? Yes. Company aid man, then lab tech at a battalion aid station. Finally discharged at Fitzsimmons Army Hospital in July '54.
Oops! I thought I HAD entered a comment! What I said is that I've seen your high school... I take it that the parking lot is behind? How are your dogs? Still using the cottage by the lake? Made any more cucumber salads? How's Amber? I'd love to chat with you... Huw