Yes, I'm talking about you, "Brooke B of NYC!" I should have caught on you weren't real when you got the same quirky albums as me, but noo..... I just thought you were a really coo... moreYes, I'm talking about you, "Brooke B of NYC!" I should have caught on you weren't real when you got the same quirky albums as me, but noo..... I just thought you were a really cool chick with great taste in music. And when you left for a day or two and came back and stunk, I genuinely wondered why you weren't up to par. Were you sick? Had someone with poor taste hijacked your account? Was something wrong?Worst of all, you never told me you were a bot. I thought you were real. We bonded over clips of Donovan, Incubus, Taylor Swift, and TV themes. Yet you never had the decency to tell me of your betrayal, yourself. Oh no. I had to find out by looking at a tutorial, where I saw you listed as someone else's opponent. Shame on you, you two-timing floozy bot! Curse you, SongPop2 developers! less
It's a cold hard fact that you can no longer download videos from Dailymotion as of a few minutes ago because I downloaded some episodes of old TV shows earlier but when I was fixi... moreIt's a cold hard fact that you can no longer download videos from Dailymotion as of a few minutes ago because I downloaded some episodes of old TV shows earlier but when I was fixing to download another I noticed there was no longer a download button. I used a website called savefromnet to download the videos before they removed the download button.
I don't know about ethics laws for state officials, especially in Texas. However, it seems to me, Sid Miller should be reprimanded by the Ethics Committe. People follow Texas offic... moreI don't know about ethics laws for state officials, especially in Texas. However, it seems to me, Sid Miller should be reprimanded by the Ethics Committe. People follow Texas officials on social media to get information on the job they are supposed to be servicing the public. Sid Miller published a political tweet regarding a poll between Hillary and Trump. He named Trump as Trump and Hillary as a c**t. That was an incendiary word, as we are at the end of a very heated election. However, if you check his bio on Wikipedia, you will find he has made other statements on Twitter that have caused much concern to voters. In addition, he is an elder at a Cowboy Church. He never apologized to Hillary or his constituents. As a Texas voter, I am very irritated at this public official and intend to write a letter to the governor and my representatives. Better still, I am going to call their offices tomorrow. I know I won't be the only one. This news was in our local radio station as well. less
Several people did and were arrested for voter fraud. Should he have looked at voter laws of each state? Not all states have the same voter laws. Trump said he wanted to avoid vote... moreSeveral people did and were arrested for voter fraud. Should he have looked at voter laws of each state? Not all states have the same voter laws. Trump said he wanted to avoid voter fraud, so people could vote twice and then cancel the first vote. Voting twice is not allowed in many states. So, people who are counting the number of people committing voter fraud should consider the circumstances.
Just because "they kept him out of jail" does not mean he belonged there.Maybe they kept him out of jail because they know how to fight mindless accusations? I have yet to he... moreJust because "they kept him out of jail" does not mean he belonged there.Maybe they kept him out of jail because they know how to fight mindless accusations? I have yet to hear what is in these damning emails that would make Hillary shudder in her shoes.The big issue? There are TONS of emails. SO F********KING WHAT? What has been in these horrible emails? Obviously nothing. That is why they keep digging. This is a witch hunt plain and simple and any time they find some hot buzz word like someone talking about jail time being thrown at them, all hell breaks loose from those who don't like to check facts but glom onto whatever the latest catch phrase hits them that sounds RIGHT.Jail - BAAD so must be something to it. Anyone who wants to be kept out of jail by THEM is a crook. RIGHT? Who doesn't say things like this on a daily basis? My attorney kept me out of jail too. I wasn't supposed to GO there in th... less
I don't know if you like documentaries. I do, so I try to watch as many as I can. This one was mentioned a lot on the media. Then it appeared on Twitter, so I watched it. It's on A... moreI don't know if you like documentaries. I do, so I try to watch as many as I can. This one was mentioned a lot on the media. Then it appeared on Twitter, so I watched it. It's on Amazon, but not on Netflix. It was about Leonard's travels around the globe filming and talking to people about the environment. You might enjoy it. I did.
Dead people voting, people voting in multiple states, illegals voting, voting in person and in mail, people stealing mail in ballots....---UPDATE--- We are not talking about ... moreDead people voting, people voting in multiple states, illegals voting, voting in person and in mail, people stealing mail in ballots....---UPDATE--- We are not talking about 14 votes. But 14 cases of voter fraud each account for more than just one vote. AZ an illegal proved he could get a voter ID card (he says to settle a bet), CO there are over a dozen people voted twice, FL an election worker was charged with marking ballots (don't know how many) and mail in ballots have been stolen and used to vote, Il over 100 dead people have voted (granted not the 100,000 they have been know for in the past), IN 837,000 people are registered to vote with out-of-state addresses IA there were 3 people voted twiceMO a mayor passed out absentee ballots and told the people he would be back later to pick them up TX is investigating "vote harvesting" at retirement/nursing homes and voter machines supposed to be swapping votes, VA has over 1000 noncitizens registered to vote and about 20% h... less
Peter Kadzik of the DOJ sent an email from his private account to John Podesta who is hillary's campaign chair to update on the status of state department emails investigation. He ... morePeter Kadzik of the DOJ sent an email from his private account to John Podesta who is hillary's campaign chair to update on the status of state department emails investigation. He even made the subject of the email "heads up". This is back in 2015.This same Kadzik is the one who sent a letter to democrats in congress saying that the DOJ would make sure the put the resources to make sure the new email investigation went "expeditiously". He is a long time friend of John Podesta. John even says peter "kept him out of prison".Is this obvious collusion ok?Do even hillary supporters now understand why people do not trust the DOJ? less
The classic question of who polices the police? A senior DOJ official has assured democrats in congress that the hillary investigation will be done as quickly as possible.&nb... moreThe classic question of who polices the police? A senior DOJ official has assured democrats in congress that the hillary investigation will be done as quickly as possible. That official is also friends and was a lawyer for the hillary campaign chair john podesta. John Podesta say that this official kept him out of jail. So if the DOJ is in the pocket of the hillary campaign and will cover up for that reason then who prosecutes that?
Peter Kadzik sent this letter and he is a long time friend of John Podesta and even worked as a lawyer for podesta with podesta saying he "kept me out of jail" when podesta was rec... morePeter Kadzik sent this letter and he is a long time friend of John Podesta and even worked as a lawyer for podesta with podesta saying he "kept me out of jail" when podesta was recommending him for a job in Obama justice department. Kadzik's son wanted to work on the clinton campaign.This person is the senior at the department of justice that is assuring that they will dedicate resources to make sure the clinton email investigation is done expeditiously as possible.Are they not making this far too obvious that the investigation will be compromised?Can anyone on either side of this believe that this is ok? less
Hello:They're gonna play a dying game. The court is now four to four. But, two liberal justices and one right winger are ancient. Here's the key to their game - t... moreHello:They're gonna play a dying game. The court is now four to four. But, two liberal justices and one right winger are ancient. Here's the key to their game - the libs are older. If ONE of 'em dies that'll make the court four to three in favor of the right wingers. Is that a good plan? Is it what the framers had in mind?excon
In 1992, Bush v Clinton just 4 days before election FBI indicts Bush's Sec of Defense.... moreIn 1992, Bush v Clinton just 4 days before election FBI indicts Bush's Sec of Defense.... how is this unprecedented? Clinton certainly wasn't complaining in 1992.