I know, I know, odd place to ask for this sort of information, but there's a lot of people on here and I figure someone's got to have some knowledge or know what resources to point... moreI know, I know, odd place to ask for this sort of information, but there's a lot of people on here and I figure someone's got to have some knowledge or know what resources to point to.I'm currently employed at a restaurant that has a bar, but despite the claims that it's a "family establishment" it's mostly filled with drunk 30-40 year old men at any given time. A co worker and I frequently receive entirely inappropriate comments from customers. Some are frequent flyers at the restaurant (specifically the bar) and it's a thing that occurs every time they show up. We have both complained numerous times to the owner about it, yet she claims she can't do anything unless they physically do something to us. Are there laws or anything that state a business owner has to take action against sexual harassment, or are they allowed to just shrug it off? Not that I'm planning on suing or anything... I feel like this woman is just naive and might be more responsive if there are statutes stating that she can (and should) inde... less
im thinking about installing cameras because i know the last few months ALIENS have been hanging outside my window but they've really out done themselves this month. I've gotten my... moreim thinking about installing cameras because i know the last few months ALIENS have been hanging outside my window but they've really out done themselves this month. I've gotten my period the same day every month for years and now this month it's almost two weeks late and still nothing... so they must have really snuck into my house and done something funny to me and taken out my innards for their own scientific purposes. im guessing they may be back if they have chosen me for observation and experimentation so i want proof when people say I am crazy. I've SEEN how society treats victims of alien abduction and experimentation. less
We are going to abolish abortion rights to placate the Evangelical base. We are going back to 1950. So, let's go back. Most of these people are Jeff Session menta... moreWe are going to abolish abortion rights to placate the Evangelical base. We are going back to 1950. So, let's go back. Most of these people are Jeff Session mentality, racist bigots. So, the best of all Jeff Session, racist bigot extremists' possible world would be to take us back to the glory days when darkies knew their place at the back of the bus. It is God's plan. Whitey rules. Brown people serve. Ask Stephen Miller.