I getting a free 3 mouth trial of the Adult swim cartoon network right now - there are some pretty funny cartoons on it like Archer, Space Ghost, and Your Pretty Face Is ... moreI getting a free 3 mouth trial of the Adult swim cartoon network right now - there are some pretty funny cartoons on it like Archer, Space Ghost, and Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell. I probably won't subscribe to it I'll just enjoy it well it's free. Cheers!
"Drag Queen Story Hour" is scheduled to go on as planned at North Park Library, despite weeks of conflict in the Evansville community.
Eyewitness News Amanda Mueller sat down with ... more"Drag Queen Story Hour" is scheduled to go on as planned at North Park Library, despite weeks of conflict in the Evansville community.
Eyewitness News Amanda Mueller sat down with the volunteer who will be in the spotlight at Drag Queen Story Hour.
Owen Jackson is well-traveled, a chef, and an Evansville community member. And-- a Drag Queen.
He may have twice the amount of friends as most people, because he's got twice the personality.
There's Owen --
"It's all worth it. It's been so worth it to me."
And then there's Florintine Dawn.
"She is two sizes shoes bigger than me ... she has definetly longer hair...."
He says she's sassy, but humble. Owen chose three books for Florintine to read at Drag Queen Story Hour, because they're books that his parents used to read to him.
"One of them is Goodnight Moon, the other is the Hungry Little Catepillar, and then the other book is ... having a blank... Brown Bear, Brown Bear."
He says he'd like adults to take away one thing from the event:
"I think I'd like ... less
Mine is Your Daddy Don't Know by Toronto. Toronto was a group of lady's that were mothers by day and rock stars at night. Include a link to the song. Cheers!https://www.youtu... moreMine is Your Daddy Don't Know by Toronto. Toronto was a group of lady's that were mothers by day and rock stars at night. Include a link to the song. Cheers!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS5nF398Snw
Basically , its a pc shooter game... Its a very unforgiving game by the way. Its multiplayer online.... but any single mistake you do cost you a bad score;
I certainly will. One of the episodes will be a live behind the scenes look at the show the other episode will be based around Amy and Sheldon waiting for some big news. I'm h... moreI certainly will. One of the episodes will be a live behind the scenes look at the show the other episode will be based around Amy and Sheldon waiting for some big news. I'm hoping the big news will be that Amy is pregnant and I'm fearing that maybe it will be something sad like Amy is diagnosed with cancer because she was exposed to second hand smoke when she did her experiment on the effects of cigarette smoking monkeys. If I recall one of her conclusions to her experiment was that the monkeys that smoked flung their feces less then the monkeys that didn't smoke. The Big Bang Theory made me laugh for 12 years so I'm a little sad it's coming to an end. Cheers! less
I know, I know... she shouldn't be smoking. But, getting her to quit isn't going to happen, so spare the judgments and let me know if you have solutions, please. My mom lives ... moreI know, I know... she shouldn't be smoking. But, getting her to quit isn't going to happen, so spare the judgments and let me know if you have solutions, please. My mom lives in a nursing home and is on a very limited income. She can only afford one carton of cigarettes per month and she has to make them last. However, she's also required to leave them at the nurse's station. They give her one when she goes out on a break. Each month, I bring her a carton with her name on it. They take it and store it. A while back, she became suspicious that some were "walking away" and began keeping count. Her theory was that the staff doesn't bother to look at the printed name- just gives them out to whomever. She says she confirmed this because there have been times she's been given someone else's cigarettes. For what it's worth, the staff says my mother gives them out and coaches her not to. My mother says this is untrue. It really could go either way.In any case, I'm wondering if there's a way to mark individual ... less
I just found out that my fingers no longer fit into Bugles snack chips which is kind of sad because I used to love sticking them on my fingers and make cackling witch sounds. Cheer... moreI just found out that my fingers no longer fit into Bugles snack chips which is kind of sad because I used to love sticking them on my fingers and make cackling witch sounds. Cheers and happy weekend!