(CNN) Donald Trump is presiding over a sunset to democracy that is spreading across the world, eradicating much of the spirit of globalism that once was a beacon to freedom, free t... more(CNN) Donald Trump is presiding over a sunset to democracy that is spreading across the world, eradicating much of the spirit of globalism that once was a beacon to freedom, free trade, and democratic values.https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/18/opinions/sunset-to-democracy-opinion-andelman/index.html
Here's mine and boy is it weird! Weird because I wasn't even aware I even knew it.. I must have heard it somewhere along the way... but for some reason it really speaks to me today... moreHere's mine and boy is it weird! Weird because I wasn't even aware I even knew it.. I must have heard it somewhere along the way... but for some reason it really speaks to me today.. which is also odd because it's almost the opposite of how I feel, with a mountain of worries and stress.. Maybe, just maybe it's telling me that this is how I SHOULD feel? Who knows!
Would be continuous up to date input all things that a head of state should be aware of. Advantages Disadvantages https://www.google.ca/amp/www.newsweek.com/russia-p... moreWould be continuous up to date input all things that a head of state should be aware of. Advantages Disadvantages https://www.google.ca/amp/www.newsweek.com/russia-putin-could-face-controversial-robot-next-year-president-election-741509%3famp=1
I have to go to an event and I just know that some of the parents there will be my old classmates from highschool.I haven't been around these people in a long time.I feel like I sh... moreI have to go to an event and I just know that some of the parents there will be my old classmates from highschool.I haven't been around these people in a long time.I feel like I should dress my best, cut my hair and then act like I'm so happy to see them, but we really haven't kept in touch.I've seen them on Facebook, but we just aren't the same people anymore at all.In reality, I'm not one to live in the past anymore and I'd rather just stare at my phone than sit around comparing who makes more money and talking about old parties.I don't hate them, I'm just so ready to move on and it feels awkward to be in those situations now.Do you ever run into old classmates and how do you react?Do you miss highschool? less
An example is in college you can receive a bachelor's degree. The root of bachelor is Bacca, god of wine, revelry and such but another name for the sungod. Even the "S" on Superman... moreAn example is in college you can receive a bachelor's degree. The root of bachelor is Bacca, god of wine, revelry and such but another name for the sungod. Even the "S" on Superman's chest is not really a letter but is the symbol of a serpent. Superman or Kal-El like in Elohim derives his power from the Sun. Again sungod worship. I can go on and on and is why you must separate from all this and "Come out of Babylon".
Everything has worked to make you owe more money. Your savings are virtually gone and if in the stock market or real estate with a snap of an Elite's fingers can be gone.
I dare any answerMug member to model an outfit made entirely out of unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liners. and Please give your opinion about wearing it.
Or used much if you prefer.. An e-friend likes to talk using old words... He came out with apparel recently.. I love 'therewith, there art' - any more?
I tend to be very open, if someone asks me something I answer... or always used to... but I wonder.. maybe others don't feel I do give much away? And I wondered too as ... moreI tend to be very open, if someone asks me something I answer... or always used to... but I wonder.. maybe others don't feel I do give much away? And I wondered too as on another site a guy has accused me of being a man. It's ok, I find it quite funny but when I looked at his profile he had no pic, had hidden his replies and his friends list.. That's ok too but it made me wonder, some people feel they need to hide everything and other's pretty much seem to feel they've nothing they don't want to share.. That's really quite interesting to me less