Nikki (on the right): "What's wrong with you? Last week you refused to go to a party because he wasn't there! I wish you'd make up your mind about him."~
'Tab for a Cause' (not that I believe too strongly in their commitment, yet trust it does no harm) is a simple project that allows one to donate 'hearts' to several charities. I wa... more'Tab for a Cause' (not that I believe too strongly in their commitment, yet trust it does no harm) is a simple project that allows one to donate 'hearts' to several charities. I was looking at the eight options given, each concerning one of these issues: famine, health, education, human rights, access to clean water, and conservation of nature. Speaking for myself, I view these matters as intimately connected, without exception existing--persisting--due to lack of respect and of equality (both of which I would again argue to come down to the same: lack of culture).I am convinced that such an outlook is more helpful: by delineating the issue it does so for the solution as well, it restricts to a bare minimum the chaos of trying to control many factors, and hopefully resists tracking symptom rather than cause. But it is about this that I wish to ask: why might one not agree? less
I've been playing around with car insurance apps that track your driving via phone. I'm running several, but only one will actually give me a map and how me where I've been and ind... moreI've been playing around with car insurance apps that track your driving via phone. I'm running several, but only one will actually give me a map and how me where I've been and indicate where it thought I drove poorly. It doesn't give exact speeds, but it will gig me if it thinks I went over 80mph. The other day, it nailed me for it twice- once at the start of a curve on the freeway and a second time at the end of the curve; the points were roughly 2.5 miles apart. I thought it was BS because I was watching my speed... normal watching- not crazy staring at it. Anyway, I did the same drive again, but this time, the driver I was following had cruise control set and stayed at 69 the whole time, so I decided to stay behind him on purpose, all while closely monitoring my speed. I did not go over 70. I am certain. However, the app clocked me at 80+ again on the exact same curve. This won't impact me because I'm not going to buy car insurance from that company. However, I believe their app is faulty and will impac... less