The real problem we are facing now and in the future is what to do with us "normal" and "average" people. The employees at Google are NOT normal. They might even be on the Autism s... moreThe real problem we are facing now and in the future is what to do with us "normal" and "average" people. The employees at Google are NOT normal. They might even be on the Autism spectrum given the skill sets they need to employ. The revolution in the future will be the "average" vs. either those that won the genetic IQ contest or even more likely, those that have been engineered and enhanced to be human computers. Google is NOT the norm. Do not be fooled into thinking that is the battleground. LUDDITES UNITE! less
How would you like it? Nuclear war, civil wars breaking out so that people get to kill their neighbors, the earth exploding from internal pressures like earthquakes or lava floes f... moreHow would you like it? Nuclear war, civil wars breaking out so that people get to kill their neighbors, the earth exploding from internal pressures like earthquakes or lava floes from deep within or comets heading directly for earth from other places in the universe or germ warfare, chemical warfare, starvation, deadly disease, climate change in the extreme so you can freeze to death or die from excessive heat? There must be many ways to annihilate and be annihilated.
It tracks Social Catastrophes from 3000 B.C. to AD 3000. The same symptoms that occur before the collapse of a society are listed below. We are in the throes of one. All hand... moreIt tracks Social Catastrophes from 3000 B.C. to AD 3000. The same symptoms that occur before the collapse of a society are listed below. We are in the throes of one. All hands on deck. We're going down! :(Symptoms Before Each Collapse of a societyIgnoranceSuperstitionReligious FundamentalismXenopobiaIntoleranceRejection of ScienceRight-wing populism is fueled by lies/alternative facts told via Facebook,Twitter and slanted Blogs. People read them, believe them and pass them on without checking them out. That is how many get their "news". They do not read newspapers or magazines or articles or books. They just go right to their internet fix and let others tell them what to think/believe as currently acceptable "truthiness" which is being manufactured and they embrace it and repeat it and forward it and and and and and. Prez lives on Twitter and often forwards things that align with his views that are pure bullsh** lies. He doesn't care. Neither do those who follow him and forward him to others ju... less
Moving forward, backward, sideways. Floating, treading water and when exhausted drowning. The sea of life requires action on your part. It will support you if you can float. It wil... moreMoving forward, backward, sideways. Floating, treading water and when exhausted drowning. The sea of life requires action on your part. It will support you if you can float. It will carry you along its currents willy nilly. Is that the ife you are leading now or are you going in a specific direction to a specific goal?