Was watching Howie Mandel's new show on stand up comedians and this guy was featured...this is him on Comedy central as the new Howie is not available, but he was awesome!!
traced or is so difficult to trace that there's no definitive agreement on how it came about. RULES:Please name both the capital city and the country to which it belongs. You ... moretraced or is so difficult to trace that there's no definitive agreement on how it came about. RULES:Please name both the capital city and the country to which it belongs. You may also name more than one city and its country if you like, and former capitals and/or former countries that are no longer in existence are also valid. BONUS:If someone posts the name of a city that you believe its origin is NOT obscure or untraceable, you may rebut that entry with evidence to the contrary. Thank you. Have fun with this!~ less
Why is it up to us to put up with him? Why doesn't HE turn the other cheek, let things slide off, pay attention to what's important and not himself for once? Why should it be a one... moreWhy is it up to us to put up with him? Why doesn't HE turn the other cheek, let things slide off, pay attention to what's important and not himself for once? Why should it be a one-way street? Anyone know?
The puppet Pinocchio was brought to life in puppet form by a blue fairy and was told that if he could prove himself to be BRAVE, TRUTHFUL and UNSELFISH he would become human. He we... moreThe puppet Pinocchio was brought to life in puppet form by a blue fairy and was told that if he could prove himself to be BRAVE, TRUTHFUL and UNSELFISH he would become human. He went astray for awhile and told lies and his nose grew longer and longer with each lie. But in the end he proved himself to be brave, truthful and unselfish and his wish was granted. His nose was returned to its normal size and he never again told any lies. Is Trump too old to transition from wooden puppet to human being? He must be brave (not hide behind tweets), truthful (no alternative facts allowed) and unselfish (no more ME FIRST). Is he too old, too rigid, too uncaring to make the transition from wooden puppet to human being? Pinoccio had Jiminy Cricket as a conscience and Gepetto who loved him dearly. Who is Trump's conscience and who loves him dearly enough to fight him so that he too can become human? "Fairy tales do come true it can happen to you if you're young at heart". Does Trump have a heart? One wonders. less
Is this a right the ox (and workman) have ? Is it a duty the ox owner (employer) have ?Or maybe both? ;-))I am currently playing an online game "The West" where pilfering from your... moreIs this a right the ox (and workman) have ? Is it a duty the ox owner (employer) have ?Or maybe both? ;-))I am currently playing an online game "The West" where pilfering from your workplace is your main source of income and equipment. Is that biblical? or just modern Christian?
Mosquitoes rarely ever bite Jim and when they do the bites don't blow up like a welt. Mosquitoes seek me out and when I get bitten the bite area swells up pretty big. I've tried an... moreMosquitoes rarely ever bite Jim and when they do the bites don't blow up like a welt. Mosquitoes seek me out and when I get bitten the bite area swells up pretty big. I've tried anti-bug bracelets and lavender oil and even rubbed dryer sheets on my skin to no avail. When I was a baby my mom said if I got a mosquito bite near my eye it would swell up and close up so I guess I'm really allergic/sensitive to those particular bug bites. If any of you are in the same boat what paddle do you use?