I Thought It Was Funny
Posted January 1, 2017
1.) Hickory, Dickory, Dock.Three mice ran up the clock.The clock struck one.The other two escaped with minor injuries.2.) The poor dog - he thought his name was Damnit. As in "Sit, damnit! Stay, damnit! Come HERE, damnit!"
Hi, Alfred - I am so glad to see you here among the other EPers. Still waiting for Cousin Jack (Jac24) - he left town before EP completely went out and I haven't heard if he's gotten back yet or not. Can I recommend you a site? It's EP refugees. I belong to it. MaryJanine. (Check under "Groups")
You say your were impressed when you went to my hometown city. I still love it, but I am proud when other people can say nice things about where I live. MaryJanine.
I ALWAYS like anything you post, kleiner Bruder. MaryJanine.
I LIKE to share, kleiner Bruder...I was raised to be generous. MaryJanine.
Mike - you are so popular! And wise, too. Thank you for directing me here. MaryJanine.
Mike - I have two questions, little brother. 1.) I am used to calling you "Mike." Stuart refers to you as "Mike". Your new site refers to you as "Milke" und I know you like the name "Mike". I have variously called you both "Robin" und "Mike" but I want to go with what you want. What do you prefer your American big sister calls you? 2.) When you have a free few minutes - could you slip down to "Creative Writing" und check out the beginning of mein newest story? (I needs must apologize -it ist in fragmented form - I am getting mein "wings" in this new place.) I value you as a Kritik und one arts loving person to another. I always like to know what you think. MaryJanine.
Mike - there ist a new site on AnswerMug called "Oldies but Goodies" I just found it und joined und (you know why I think this) you qualify, too. I am iniviting you to join on. (Do you recall Queen?) MaryJanine.
Thanks for your answer on the name situation. und mein new story (so far) und , oh, know what? OTHERS (new people) like it, too! What did I say about you have a lot to answer for? YOU (und Michael) are responsible fuer spreading the gut word! MaryJanine.
Mike - I noticed this Morgen you joined the Erotic Stories group. I got a similar invite from the Head Man of this group, und he sent me samples, but (to mein credit) I did not pull a "prude" mood, nor did I blush. (I know alle the words). I said thanks, but no thanks. That's not me.But your poetry und stories are beautiful to behold, kleiner Bruder, erotic or no. I also see you joined my (requested) Creative Writing group (I asked for this group when I joined) und I am thirilled fuer that. I enjoy whatever you put online. Your prose speaks to mein Herz - the kleiner boy you once were, und the sweet grownup you now are. Never change. MaryJanine.
Guten Tag, Kleiner Bruder - Forgive your big sister, but I am SURE I saw your picture. I know "Mike" when I see it,und when it says it. This did both. As soon as I place this message to you, I am going to go back and verify it. You have already checked your listings, so I want to be sure of what I saw.Und - you are the beste kliner Bruder on either shore. I appreciate your words about mein writings. MaryJanine.
Hallo, Mein Kleiner Bruder! I don't know if you got mein last message (I was unable to get in the last 2-3 days, don't have any clue why)but I was wondering if you have anything new in the venture line? I haven't heard anything about anything und I am dying of a disease called "curiosity". Danke, Mike. MaryJanine.
Guten Tag, Mein Bruder - I hope you und Michael und Sarah are all well. Just as a quick note - I wrote another letter, but they placed it on the PC. I asked them if there was any way I could get a printed copy (for my scrapbook) und the editor ist going to mail me a printed copy to do so. When I get the printed copy, I promise to share mit you, Michael und Sarah. Would you please tell mein GroBe Bruder that I have done this und the text will be coming? Danke im voraus. MaryJanine.
Emma - I need to apologize. You tried to get me this morning and I had to keep taking you off because I was answering someone else and then almost immediately had to tackle a problem I had with my online rent persona (the office girl said she didn't receive the copy of my rental renewal)> MaryJanine.
Right now, I an going through my EMail and replying to the older notes. I didn't go on line one day this weekend and when I could go back (after doing a scan to check any possible viruses) on Sunday morning, I had 40 (yes, 40) notes to reply to.I am still playing catchup to everybody. Mary Janine. You can always leave a message on answerMug - I always reply to them. I do not stay on line constantly all day and chat - the people who call first get priority and then I follow in order of messages.
I assume this is Stuart. First Mike und then you. Let me keep TRACK of mein friends! I am awfully worried about Cousin Jack. He hasn't communicated mit me und that isn't like him. When he left, EP was in its waning days of operation und he was going to see about coming here when he returned from North Carolina. That was three weekends ago. Keep gut thoughts. MaryJanine.
I can't help it. I worry about mein friends und relations. Mike will tell you that - he thinks (I believe) that I worry TOO much. Like I said before, it's a sort of mental exercise for me. But I know Cousin Jack thinks you are a wundervoll friend - he has said so. I worry this time because he has confided he had trouble mit his heartbeat not long ago. But don't anticpate the worst, right? MaryJanine.
I am glad to see you appreciate my story. There is no circle on answerMug as we knew it on EP, but I have accepted you as a friend. This means you can answer or comment onto anything I post. MaryJanine. P.S. I am sorry I didn't get back to you sooner on this message. I was unable to enter answerMug for some reason for several days.
Hi,CherokeePatti - Good to see you joined us from EP! I have named you as a friend again - and if you have a chance to look, you will see that many EPers, with their usage names, have come here, too. Thanks for finding me and remembering me. MaryJanine.