About Me:
Single, over-60, SW England resident, with fairly wide range of interests & musical tastes - but I'd be no good in a pub quiz 'cos I know very little about TV, gadgets called i-something, competitive sports, many entertainments & "so-called celebrities!
Was on EP, but left it long before it closed. Won't touch Facebook & its ilk.
"Adult" themes: quite broad-minded, like nudity but not pornography. Against cruelty, and consider spanking as a game for consenting adults only.
Why does correcting have to be by violence? And if that's a quote, no, I don't accept the say-so of unknown Late Bronze Age tribal elders!
September 1, 2016
Greetings Tate99 from a fellow Briton (S> Dorset) and nudist!
Best Wishes,
July 29, 2016
Welcome to AM - and to a goodly number of us interested in spanking whether we advocate or oppose it in reality or think it best kept as a game for consenting adults!
Best Wishes,
(also in UK)
July 29, 2016
timothy in London
Thank you for the compliment, Timothys Knickers. I should say I am not a full cross-dresser but like occasionally to wear a nightdress or miniskirt, at home only. Much of the time, if warm enough, I like to be nude or nearly so.
Best Wishes,
May 17, 2016
Hello Capes.
Welcome to Answer Mug!
Durdle here: 64 nearly, also a Briton (in Dorset), here similarly.
My profile groups list gives you some idea of me but I am happy to chat on many other topics too if they interest me and I feel I know enough about the topic. I will add that despite the implications I don't like the idea of spanking children, especially with any weapon, but feel the traditional spanking has a place for adults, as long as it's consensual!
Best Wishes,
July 30, 2016
I don't even try to look convincing - I don't cross-dress often and than only partly, in the home. liking the feel of the garments. Sometimes sleep in a nightie.
July 29, 2016
Not so much a comment as a question, Marc. I am uneasy to say the least about spanking children but what of adults feeling they need similar punishments in a therapeutic way?
July 29, 2016
Hi Harbourboy.
Welcome... come on then, elucidate on your specialist subjects!
Best Wishes,
July 30, 2016
Steve Tomms
Hello Steve.
UK too - Dorset in fact. And like to be nude or, occasionally, in panties.
As for human behaviour - yes, I agree it is fascinating... and bewildering at times, frustrating at others, but never the same twice!
Best Wishes,
September 16, 2016
Uncle UK
Welcome to AM, Dominic, as one of the rather few fellow-Britons on here (I live in South of England). I am not sure about the spanking of children, though I've nothing against adults being spanked if they wish, erotically or as therapeutic punishment.
September 6, 2016
Hello NudieSuzie.
Thankyou - would love to be your friend!
Best Wishes,
August 31, 2016
What's your take on adult, consensual, spanking?
September 9, 2016
May I ask, what is your take on adult, consensual spanking, e.g. in a "DD" relationship or as a sort of punitive therapy?
September 9, 2016
Hello Harry.
Greetings from Dorset!
Lubrication by Beer - definitely. Naturism - Oh yes. Spanking - well, I don't support genuine CP but have been fascinated by it since boyhood, and later by the adult-fun variety.
Chatting - I can be chatty!
Best Wishes,
July 28, 2016
Hello French_Delph.
I don't favour spanking children but if it must be done I think it must be by hand only, and only enough to make the point. Am interested in spanking generally and think it has a place for adults who feel they need a little discipline and punishment.
Best Wishes,
July 30, 2016
I'm probably of similar age to you then, my fascination with spanking goes back to boyhood but no I don't think the world would be better for beating children! And yet...
Adult, consensual spanking - fine, and it's odd that now I feel I ought receive the occasional, belated spanking, firm hand not weapon, I did not receive and would not have wanted in boyhood, for immature failings I believe originated at that time!
Best Wishes,
July 29, 2016
Hi Legion!
I reckon your Miss Hamilton might have done me some good! (Doubtless others too!)
July 30, 2016
18 and 20. Adults, with the full choice of protection from assault by law.
September 1, 2016
Hello Stonehenge.
Welcome! I'm 64 and an ex-EP user but left it when parts of it started to become really sleazy or stupid. My profile gives a fir idea but I'm happy to chat about a wide range of subjects in which I am interested or can give reasonably knowledgeable facts or opinions.
You mention Adultmug. I know what you mean. I ignore the worst, some of which I find unpleasant, but do dip into some of the other threads on it. I'm slightly bi and interested in nudity and adult-consensual spanking, so am not quite a shrinking violet.
I did make one or two penfriendships (e-mail) from EP but they've fizzled out, thanks to losses in house moves, changes of computer and perhaps laziness by me!
How about you? Your interests, music etc?
Best Wishes,
Durdle. (after Durdle Door).
July 30, 2016
Eva amirhom
A sad story, Eva. Yes, you were wrong to do what you did but you have realised that, not everyone in the world will hate you, and I hope you will find forgiveness and happiness.
July 29, 2016
I would be very happy to chat about whatever we find of mutual interest, but I can't send a private message unless I add you as a friend first. may I do so, please?
September 9, 2016
welcome to AM and its Naturist section!
AM Male, 63 and live in Dorset.
July 28, 2016
That's not "spanking" , that's whipping, and cruel! What effect did it have on you in adult life?
August 14, 2016
Hi Pofan.
Interesting: many people who admit they were beaten severely as children become adults either wanting to give or receive similar in games between consenting adults, or are turned off spanking and CP entirely.
You evidently became sexually submissive, but were you aroused by either the whipping or the submission at the time or in remembering it later?
Sorry, I'm not quite clear by what you mean as a "switcher" - switching between what?
I appreciate bare bottoms including my own as well, but unfortunately mine has aged with me and is now a bit soft and sagging.
August 15, 2016
Thank you very much Pofan. Would love to be friends with you!
Best Wishes,
August 15, 2016
Elshara Silverheart
Thank you for the compliment Elashara. I'm not sure what it means, but please do tell me what in particular influenced you.
Best Wishes,
June 9, 2016
Hello Sp4sp4. I too was on EP, though I left it well before it folded. "Drawn too deeply." I know the feeling. I think I was tempted too far into some EP fora, so am becoming fairly selective on what I view on here and chosen "stop following" on some already. Is this why you've not listed any groups? You have a point, using private e-mails.
Best Wishes,
September 16, 2016
Hi Stuart. Thank you very much for your greetings, and have mine to you!
I oppose real CP but have been interested in spanking since boyhood, and have enjoyed quite a few gentle, erotic, spanking games.
Best Wishes,
September 16, 2016
I couldn't agree more about being naked, Aaron!
Love to be in a night-dress or nude. I like Sharon1717's comment too!
September 9, 2016
Sophronius Pupoid
Thank you very much for your comment! Sophronius.
Yes, my nickname is from Durdle Door. One of my sisters held her wedding-reception at Pennsylvania Castle, well before it reverted to a private house. The new owners have hosted garden fetes there though.
'Moonfleet' was one of our set books at school, and I remember the passage about the two leading characters escaping from Ringstead (I can't remember if that name was used in the book) by using a very steep cliff path. That path, or an equivalent, exists, up White Nothe, some 400 feet high, and someone showed it me a few years ago. I was glad to have climbed it, but I found it frightening and would not care to try it again!
The normal path from the car-park to that area of beach is gentler and not at all exposed.
I suppose I'm nearly local! Our family moved to Weymouth in 1959, when I was 7, when Dad's work was moved.
September 22, 2016
Hello and Welcome, Nudistdad.
I'm single but not a father (seem to be collecting quite a tribe of first and grand nephews & nieces though!); but like you enjoy being nude around the home. There is a naturist beach not far from me, and I used to visit it fairly often, but I have leg problems now that make the long, steep path to it a bit too much. Can still be undressed at home, as I am now, though!
Best Wishes,
August 14, 2016
I oppose using CP on children - especially the sort of gratuitous violence with assorted weapons described on the site - but what is your take on adult-only, consensual spanking, be it erotic, for some sort of punitive therapy or stress-relieving, curiosity or indeed to reprise personal or vicarious past experiences?
September 9, 2016
Hello Caned4doz.
Overlapping (!) interests. I'm not as educated as you. Don't smoke, but do drink (moderately) and not religious. Am interested in science and have a wide range of musical tastes though can't play an instrument. Fitness more by walking and manual work and play than by speed!
I too am interested in discipline and do have regressive tendencies and sometimes feel I ought to be spanked for my immature faults.
July 29, 2016
Hello Caned4Dozen.
Thank you for the Friend request - certainly! This site is confusing - I've not managed to work out how the Friends and Messages parts work!
Anyway I think this part is public. For example I can see the messages between you and Forever shorts, on this page. AM does not seem to have a private-message system, at least not obviously so. All it does it let you separate individual conversations from the forum section.
I will say I oppose genuine CP - some of the accounts on this site are of frankly appalling cruelty. Yet it was seeing one or two real instances at school, and finding descriptions and images in history-books, that nurtured my interest.
The regressive streak I said I have surfaced really quite recently, in my 50s I think, although I had experimented with self-spanking since "discovering" it in my teens - when no doubt I had a rather more smackable bottom than now, had the right circumstances to introduce me to spanking fun, come along!
August 1, 2016
I advocate discipline - a system of behaviour - but not in its euphemistic malapropism for corporal punishment of children. However I believe for a consenting adult, there need be no bar beyond sensible, individual boundaries to being spanked ( or slippered or caned) appropriately in a therapeutic or punitive sense, as well obviously as purely erotically. In the last situation it might even be a foreplay activity. Similarly, some adults find release in being under regressive discipline, with or without physical punishment.
(Discipline and punishment are NOT synonyms: the latter is for wilful breaking of the former.)
September 7, 2016
Welcome Cravingyourtouch.
Mot only the women of the household who would benefit from a little suitable discipline at times!
(in Dorset)
July 29, 2016
Do you like adult (consensual) spanking too?
September 9, 2016
About You: sexiest lingerie a gurl can find - indeed, and very nice too!
September 1, 2016
A pleasure Nicola - and I like your profile picture too!
September 7, 2016
Not a full cross-dresser myself and I've few femme clothes, but I like to sleep in a nightie now and then, or wear something at least like a loose-fitting miniskirt. Love to be nude, too! The long-legged lass in that Timothy's Knickers pic fg5 you've commented on, looks as if she's about to be spanked!
September 7, 2016
That's two of us from Dorset , then, Kilkenny!
Welcome to AnswerMug!
Durdle - and I won't need to explain my inspiration for that nick-name.
July 29, 2016
Hello SJS
I'm uneasy about the idea of spanking children - discipline yes, punishment or at least a reprimand if they break that discipline yes, but need it be physical punishment? If it does I would hope it be by hand only, not weapons as some parents seem to think clever, and only enough to make the point. What of adult, consensual spanking though! I can see that as therapeutic or stress-relief, and eminently suitable for someone who is of middle-age upwards but rather immature or regressive.
(Dorset - as the nickname may have suggested!)
July 30, 2016
Hello Tonyparker1
Thank you for the invitation.
I too was on EP but abandoned it a few years ago. I'm a little older at nearly 64, also short and slim, well, nearly slim. Slightly bi, and enjoy being nude though knee troubles limit my excursions such as to an unofficial naturist beach not far from my South Dorset home. Also interested in spanking fun.
Various interests and fair range of musical tastes.
Best Wishes,
(my nickname is from a feature on the Dorset coast.)
July 29, 2016
Hello Tonyparker.
I thought I'd left a message but it doesn't appear here so perhaps I didn't.
Anyway your Profile Information describes me too, almost exactly - I am 64, and with a slight tummy.
I live in S.Dorset - hence my nick-name (from famous coastal feature).
Welcome to AM!
Best Wishes,
July 30, 2016
Thank you for the compliment, Softlywaking.
June 14, 2016
Welcome to AmswerMug, Missspanking.
No shortage of people here interested in spanking, whether approving or not of beating children, or are like me, approving only of adult consensual spanking.
Best Wishes,
July 29, 2016
Thank you for that brief private chat this afternoon. It was unexpected and I enjoyed it though I don't really understand how to use it.
Best Wishes,
Why does correcting have to be by violence? And if that's a quote, no, I don't accept the say-so of unknown Late Bronze Age tribal elders!
Greetings Tate99 from a fellow Briton (S> Dorset) and nudist! Best Wishes, Durdle.
Welcome to AM - and to a goodly number of us interested in spanking whether we advocate or oppose it in reality or think it best kept as a game for consenting adults! Best Wishes, Durdle (also in UK)
Thank you for the compliment, Timothys Knickers. I should say I am not a full cross-dresser but like occasionally to wear a nightdress or miniskirt, at home only. Much of the time, if warm enough, I like to be nude or nearly so. Best Wishes, Durdle.
Hello Capes. Welcome to Answer Mug! Durdle here: 64 nearly, also a Briton (in Dorset), here similarly. My profile groups list gives you some idea of me but I am happy to chat on many other topics too if they interest me and I feel I know enough about the topic. I will add that despite the implications I don't like the idea of spanking children, especially with any weapon, but feel the traditional spanking has a place for adults, as long as it's consensual! Best Wishes, Durdle.
I don't even try to look convincing - I don't cross-dress often and than only partly, in the home. liking the feel of the garments. Sometimes sleep in a nightie.
Not so much a comment as a question, Marc. I am uneasy to say the least about spanking children but what of adults feeling they need similar punishments in a therapeutic way?
Hi Harbourboy. Welcome... come on then, elucidate on your specialist subjects! Best Wishes, Durdle.
Hello Steve. UK too - Dorset in fact. And like to be nude or, occasionally, in panties. As for human behaviour - yes, I agree it is fascinating... and bewildering at times, frustrating at others, but never the same twice! Best Wishes, Durdle.
Welcome to AM, Dominic, as one of the rather few fellow-Britons on here (I live in South of England). I am not sure about the spanking of children, though I've nothing against adults being spanked if they wish, erotically or as therapeutic punishment. Regards, Durdle.
Hello NudieSuzie. Thankyou - would love to be your friend! Best Wishes, Durdle.
What's your take on adult, consensual, spanking?
May I ask, what is your take on adult, consensual spanking, e.g. in a "DD" relationship or as a sort of punitive therapy?
Hello Harry. Greetings from Dorset! Lubrication by Beer - definitely. Naturism - Oh yes. Spanking - well, I don't support genuine CP but have been fascinated by it since boyhood, and later by the adult-fun variety. Chatting - I can be chatty! Best Wishes, Durdle
Hello French_Delph. I don't favour spanking children but if it must be done I think it must be by hand only, and only enough to make the point. Am interested in spanking generally and think it has a place for adults who feel they need a little discipline and punishment. Best Wishes, Durdle.
I'm probably of similar age to you then, my fascination with spanking goes back to boyhood but no I don't think the world would be better for beating children! And yet... Adult, consensual spanking - fine, and it's odd that now I feel I ought receive the occasional, belated spanking, firm hand not weapon, I did not receive and would not have wanted in boyhood, for immature failings I believe originated at that time! Best Wishes, Durdle
Hi Legion! I reckon your Miss Hamilton might have done me some good!
18 and 20. Adults, with the full choice of protection from assault by law.
Hello Stonehenge. Welcome! I'm 64 and an ex-EP user but left it when parts of it started to become really sleazy or stupid. My profile gives a fir idea but I'm happy to chat about a wide range of subjects in which I am interested or can give reasonably knowledgeable facts or opinions. You mention Adultmug. I know what you mean. I ignore the worst, some of which I find unpleasant, but do dip into some of the other threads on it. I'm slightly bi and interested in nudity and adult-consensual spanking, so am not quite a shrinking violet. I did make one or two penfriendships (e-mail) from EP but they've fizzled out, thanks to losses in house moves, changes of computer and perhaps laziness by me! How about you? Your interests, music etc? Best Wishes, Durdle. (after Durdle Door).
A sad story, Eva. Yes, you were wrong to do what you did but you have realised that, not everyone in the world will hate you, and I hope you will find forgiveness and happiness. Durdle.
I would be very happy to chat about whatever we find of mutual interest, but I can't send a private message unless I add you as a friend first. may I do so, please? regards, Durdle
welcome to AM and its Naturist section! AM Male, 63 and live in Dorset. Cheers, Durdle
That's not "spanking" , that's whipping, and cruel! What effect did it have on you in adult life?
Hi Pofan. Interesting: many people who admit they were beaten severely as children become adults either wanting to give or receive similar in games between consenting adults, or are turned off spanking and CP entirely. You evidently became sexually submissive, but were you aroused by either the whipping or the submission at the time or in remembering it later? Sorry, I'm not quite clear by what you mean as a "switcher" - switching between what? I appreciate bare bottoms including my own as well, but unfortunately mine has aged with me and is now a bit soft and sagging. Regards, Durdle
Thank you very much Pofan. Would love to be friends with you! Best Wishes, Durdle.
Thank you for the compliment Elashara. I'm not sure what it means, but please do tell me what in particular influenced you. Best Wishes, Durdle.
Hello Sp4sp4. I too was on EP, though I left it well before it folded. "Drawn too deeply." I know the feeling. I think I was tempted too far into some EP fora, so am becoming fairly selective on what I view on here and chosen "stop following" on some already. Is this why you've not listed any groups? You have a point, using private e-mails. Best Wishes, Durdle.
Hi Stuart. Thank you very much for your greetings, and have mine to you! I oppose real CP but have been interested in spanking since boyhood, and have enjoyed quite a few gentle, erotic, spanking games. Best Wishes, Durdle.
I couldn't agree more about being naked, Aaron!
Hi Solopleasure. Best Wishes, Durdle
I hope you didn't damage the jerboa embryos....
Love to be in a night-dress or nude. I like Sharon1717's comment too!
Thank you very much for your comment! Sophronius. Yes, my nickname is from Durdle Door. One of my sisters held her wedding-reception at Pennsylvania Castle, well before it reverted to a private house. The new owners have hosted garden fetes there though. 'Moonfleet' was one of our set books at school, and I remember the passage about the two leading characters escaping from Ringstead (I can't remember if that name was used in the book) by using a very steep cliff path. That path, or an equivalent, exists, up White Nothe, some 400 feet high, and someone showed it me a few years ago. I was glad to have climbed it, but I found it frightening and would not care to try it again! The normal path from the car-park to that area of beach is gentler and not at all exposed. I suppose I'm nearly local! Our family moved to Weymouth in 1959, when I was 7, when Dad's work was moved.
Hello and Welcome, Nudistdad. I'm single but not a father (seem to be collecting quite a tribe of first and grand nephews & nieces though!); but like you enjoy being nude around the home. There is a naturist beach not far from me, and I used to visit it fairly often, but I have leg problems now that make the long, steep path to it a bit too much. Can still be undressed at home, as I am now, though! Best Wishes, Durdle
I oppose using CP on children - especially the sort of gratuitous violence with assorted weapons described on the site - but what is your take on adult-only, consensual spanking, be it erotic, for some sort of punitive therapy or stress-relieving, curiosity or indeed to reprise personal or vicarious past experiences? Regards, Durdle.
Hello Caned4doz. Overlapping (!) interests. I'm not as educated as you. Don't smoke, but do drink (moderately) and not religious. Am interested in science and have a wide range of musical tastes though can't play an instrument. Fitness more by walking and manual work and play than by speed! I too am interested in discipline and do have regressive tendencies and sometimes feel I ought to be spanked for my immature faults.
Hello Caned4Dozen. Thank you for the Friend request - certainly! This site is confusing - I've not managed to work out how the Friends and Messages parts work! Anyway I think this part is public. For example I can see the messages between you and Forever shorts, on this page. AM does not seem to have a private-message system, at least not obviously so. All it does it let you separate individual conversations from the forum section. I will say I oppose genuine CP - some of the accounts on this site are of frankly appalling cruelty. Yet it was seeing one or two real instances at school, and finding descriptions and images in history-books, that nurtured my interest. The regressive streak I said I have surfaced really quite recently, in my 50s I think, although I had experimented with self-spanking since "discovering" it in my teens - when no doubt I had a rather more smackable bottom than now, had the right circumstances to introduce me to spanking fun, come along!
I advocate discipline - a system of behaviour - but not in its euphemistic malapropism for corporal punishment of children. However I believe for a consenting adult, there need be no bar beyond sensible, individual boundaries to being spanked ( or slippered or caned) appropriately in a therapeutic or punitive sense, as well obviously as purely erotically. In the last situation it might even be a foreplay activity. Similarly, some adults find release in being under regressive discipline, with or without physical punishment. (Discipline and punishment are NOT synonyms: the latter is for wilful breaking of the former.)
Welcome Cravingyourtouch. Mot only the women of the household who would benefit from a little suitable discipline at times! Regards, Durdle (in Dorset)
Do you like adult (consensual) spanking too?
About You: sexiest lingerie a gurl can find - indeed, and very nice too!
A pleasure Nicola - and I like your profile picture too!
Not a full cross-dresser myself and I've few femme clothes, but I like to sleep in a nightie now and then, or wear something at least like a loose-fitting miniskirt. Love to be nude, too! The long-legged lass in that Timothy's Knickers pic fg5 you've commented on, looks as if she's about to be spanked!
That's two of us from Dorset , then, Kilkenny! Welcome to AnswerMug! Cheers, Durdle - and I won't need to explain my inspiration for that nick-name.
Hello SJS I'm uneasy about the idea of spanking children - discipline yes, punishment or at least a reprimand if they break that discipline yes, but need it be physical punishment? If it does I would hope it be by hand only, not weapons as some parents seem to think clever, and only enough to make the point. What of adult, consensual spanking though! I can see that as therapeutic or stress-relief, and eminently suitable for someone who is of middle-age upwards but rather immature or regressive. Regards, Durdle (Dorset - as the nickname may have suggested!)
Hello Tonyparker1 Thank you for the invitation. I too was on EP but abandoned it a few years ago. I'm a little older at nearly 64, also short and slim, well, nearly slim. Slightly bi, and enjoy being nude though knee troubles limit my excursions such as to an unofficial naturist beach not far from my South Dorset home. Also interested in spanking fun. Various interests and fair range of musical tastes. Best Wishes, Durdle (my nickname is from a feature on the Dorset coast.)
Hello Tonyparker. I thought I'd left a message but it doesn't appear here so perhaps I didn't. Anyway your Profile Information describes me too, almost exactly - I am 64, and with a slight tummy. I live in S.Dorset - hence my nick-name (from famous coastal feature). Welcome to AM! Best Wishes, Durdle
Thank you for the compliment, Softlywaking. Regards, Durdle.
Welcome to AmswerMug, Missspanking. No shortage of people here interested in spanking, whether approving or not of beating children, or are like me, approving only of adult consensual spanking. Best Wishes, Durdle
Thank you for that brief private chat this afternoon. It was unexpected and I enjoyed it though I don't really understand how to use it. Best Wishes, Durdle.