PeaPod is just popping by
Hi Peapod, I just heard about this place yesterday. Glad to see some familiar faces. Thanks for the add
September 1, 2016
Hey there stranger, nice to see you here. Thanks for the add
September 6, 2016
Bear with me as I'm not familiar with this format yet.
Glad you liked the pic, and I'm doing fine. I've become pretty boring lately...but besides that I'm doing well. Football season just started so I got that much going on for me at least Good to see some familiar faces here, FB just doesn't do much for me to be honest.
September 6, 2016
Hi Tink. I'm looking forward to checking this site out more as I have the time, It's always good to see some familiar faces from SH. I'll try and keep my idiocy to a minimum...but no promises
September 12, 2016
Benedict Arnold
I do remember you from SH, you're a fellow movie fanatic. Thanks for the add Crawling Chaos/Joe
Hi Peapod, I just heard about this place yesterday. Glad to see some familiar faces. Thanks for the add
Hey there stranger, nice to see you here. Thanks for the add
Bear with me as I'm not familiar with this format yet.
Glad you liked the pic, and I'm doing fine. I've become pretty boring lately...but besides that I'm doing well. Football season just started so I got that much going on for me at least
Hi Tink. I'm looking forward to checking this site out more as I have the time, It's always good to see some familiar faces from SH. I'll try and keep my idiocy to a minimum...but no promises
I do remember you from SH, you're a fellow movie fanatic. Thanks for the add Crawling Chaos/Joe