so what's the big deal with wine? seems like over the last few years it's everywhere; people drink it in the movies, on TV, seems no occasion is complete without a damn glass of wi... moreso what's the big deal with wine? seems like over the last few years it's everywhere; people drink it in the movies, on TV, seems no occasion is complete without a damn glass of wine!!!Welllllll I for one never liked it........tried this one and that one, this flavor that flavor, and so on and so verdict?PHOOEY......on all of it.Now by all means enjoy it........but you wine lovers, PLEASE tell me why you love it so much???????????????and the worst is all the FUSS and NONSENSE about 'bouquet'......'vintage'......where it's grown, and so on and boringly on and on.again, WHO THE EFF CARES?well you wine folk, I guess!!!LOLoh well, to each their this just a fad, this 'wine everywhere you look' or a lasting thing.......will we be seeing this 10, 20 yrs. from now? folks sipping their wine in movies, tv, etc.???????let me know, you wine lovers!!!!!!!!!!!! less
It's interesting that Zealandia is just now making news; I've known about it for years (#GeographyWhiz #ZealandiaHipster), but the issue now seems to be whether this mostly submerg... moreIt's interesting that Zealandia is just now making news; I've known about it for years (#GeographyWhiz #ZealandiaHipster), but the issue now seems to be whether this mostly submerged continent (of which the main part that shows is the country of New Zealand) should officially be considered a continent. What say you?Keep in mind that "continent" has various definitions, one of which is simply "large geographical region that may be defined by culture more than geography". Zealandia is made of continental crust, so just because most of it doesn't show doesn't mean it shouldn't be a continent (in my opinion). less
Human frailty, more specifically my own! I haven't completed my homework, not even close :( I was supposed to do it Saturday, but had a huge list of chores, so I set myself today t... moreHuman frailty, more specifically my own! I haven't completed my homework, not even close :( I was supposed to do it Saturday, but had a huge list of chores, so I set myself today to finish writing it, (later session needed to edit it). But I allowed myself to get distracted... I didn't get down to it, then son asked me to go with him to a timber supplier, that was shut, so we went to an aquatic store in the same retail park. He took foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever... choosing fish... then after returning home he wanted to go to a DIY store to look for wood, again he took ageeeeeeeeees to choose a piece of wood, taking out each one to examine it.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr But who's to blame? Me, really cos I went, with him.. I shouldn't have.. especially as he always takes forever.. but then again he's my son, and it won't be long before he flies the nest and although it's a little thing, it's nice he likes me to go with him now and then.. But now my homework seems insurmountable because I am really, really tired... less
I've been toying with the idea of getting one for awhile but the price of them while not knowing how I will take to it makes it hard to pull the trigger. Anyone have any advi... moreI've been toying with the idea of getting one for awhile but the price of them while not knowing how I will take to it makes it hard to pull the trigger. Anyone have any advice, first hand experience, or knowledge of them?
To think that among those whom we refuse entry could be the genius who discovers a cure for ALL cancers or the brilliant thinker who finally can integrate all elements of physics a... moreTo think that among those whom we refuse entry could be the genius who discovers a cure for ALL cancers or the brilliant thinker who finally can integrate all elements of physics and find the one UNIFIED THEORY many have been seeking? He/she may be out there just waiting for the opportunity that this country affords...or used to afford, to all who came here for a better life. What/where is that "better" now?
Thin-skinned. Sensitive. Needy. Such people need reassurance 24/7 that they're okay. One criticism can loom large and become the focus of their attention. Having multiple critics e... moreThin-skinned. Sensitive. Needy. Such people need reassurance 24/7 that they're okay. One criticism can loom large and become the focus of their attention. Having multiple critics endlessly and you can see the problem the obsessed person has. Always attacking/always trying to sabotage/delegitimize/hobble. With such a mindset who has time for anything else but "getting back at and taking down"? Is that person someone with whom you'd want spend any time? Go on vacation with? Run your country? Why?
position. I almost laughed out loud; I wanted to blurt out, "YOU'RE the one who wanted the position, right?"Do you know of any higher level people at your job who regret or se... moreposition. I almost laughed out loud; I wanted to blurt out, "YOU'RE the one who wanted the position, right?"Do you know of any higher level people at your job who regret or seem to regret having ascended as far as they have?~
LOL - I am, very,very very... erm NOT :P There are people here who I just know have their heart soar with glee whenever I post anything or reply to a comment - erm NOT. Never mind,... moreLOL - I am, very,very very... erm NOT :P There are people here who I just know have their heart soar with glee whenever I post anything or reply to a comment - erm NOT. Never mind, here's a lovely song, the lyrics go, she's so popular... lol just like me, not! And there are some cool lines like war without tears and kissing baboons in the jungle.. lol that reminded me of Trump, the organge oranugtang himself :P
Was it made to publically confess your love to someone? If so bring it on. Or maybe to tell corny jokes or even to tell weird facts that are pretty useless but cool to read, I woul... moreWas it made to publically confess your love to someone? If so bring it on. Or maybe to tell corny jokes or even to tell weird facts that are pretty useless but cool to read, I would also gladly appreciate too . Really.... what's the purpose of it?
I have two cousins, who are half my age, just entered college.. when they were growing up, I'd babysit them, play with them, laugh etc. They have EVERYthing and more, money wise, a... moreI have two cousins, who are half my age, just entered college.. when they were growing up, I'd babysit them, play with them, laugh etc. They have EVERYthing and more, money wise, and now are going to very good schools. Only thing is, in the last couple years, they've shown no interest to truly be with me/hang out... I have always had to make the effort. I thought, well, they are only 18, etc.. but, at 18 I was making contact with my other cousin when I wanted to see , I wonder, do I go make the hours long visit to see them (they have not personally invited me.. ) at their schools, or kind of let it go.. ? Someone told me to back off, b/c why should I make the only effort to see/hang out.. but I still feel a sliver of guilt. I'm not sure why though.. they both do not ask me about my life or me ever. I just don't want to appear stand off ish either, or like I don't care at all, it's just I feel empty and not full of enthusiasm about visit- any ideas welcome.. less
This is actually a reprise of a marvelous question from the old days of was 2011...It has to do with brain research...that no matter how scrambled the words, our splen... moreThis is actually a reprise of a marvelous question from the old days of was 2011...It has to do with brain research...that no matter how scrambled the words, our splendid brains seem to work it out...and so your mission should you choose, (1) can you read this, and (2) do you know the name for this kind of scrambling?
"I cdn'uolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg: the phaonmneel pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rseearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. " less
In this case I'm talking about mental disorders. I suffer from anxiety but it's really hard for me to open up to people at school/work without them seeing me with a label than as a... moreIn this case I'm talking about mental disorders. I suffer from anxiety but it's really hard for me to open up to people at school/work without them seeing me with a label than as a whole person. What's your opinion on this?