For those poor souls who seriously believe the billionaire Trump is gonna care for them and do for them instead of crony wealthy friends, well, they better take a tranquilize... moreFor those poor souls who seriously believe the billionaire Trump is gonna care for them and do for them instead of crony wealthy friends, well, they better take a tranquilizer. He is 70 and selfish. They think THEY can make him change his spots? That rigid old leopard? What makes them think they're are so special?
pithyˈpiTHē/adjective: pithy; comparative adjective: pithier; superlative adjective: pithiest1. (of language or style) concise and forcefully expressive. synonyms: succinct, terse,... morepithyˈpiTHē/adjective: pithy; comparative adjective: pithier; superlative adjective: pithiest1. (of language or style) concise and forcefully expressive. synonyms: succinct, terse, concise, compact, short (and sweet), brief, condensed, to the point, epigrammatic, crisp, thumbnail; More significant, meaningful, expressive, telling; formal compendious "pithy comments" antonyms: verbose2. (of a fruit or plant) containing much pith.I find definition 2 to be the pithiest ;-))
Hilllary is a slave to the banks that give her millions. It seems that so was Obama which disappoints me personally.A citibank executive wrote him an email describing the people he... moreHilllary is a slave to the banks that give her millions. It seems that so was Obama which disappoints me personally.A citibank executive wrote him an email describing the people he should pick, and this became his cabinet with few exceptions.People were picked only for being minorities.
Like many sites this is partly supported by companies placing advertisements in the margins of the Home and other pages. Some are eerily local to you as user: one waffles about " O... moreLike many sites this is partly supported by companies placing advertisements in the margins of the Home and other pages. Some are eerily local to you as user: one waffles about " Opticians... " apparently threatened by some technical development in their trade. I saw one regularly on EP, telling me things like "Sarah lives four miles from you" - it was a lie of course, but it opened a dating-site that showed it knew roughly I live, within perhaps 50 miles anyway. The advertising-agencies use your approximate location bought or gleaned from the web-site. One though, advertised a "Simple trick to see if you've ever had PPI" (Payment Protection Insurance, usually for mortgages.) I know I do not, and when I did I was not a victim of a miss-selling racket the banks ran for a while, but I selected it out of curiosity. My security software 'Bulldog' promptly leapt up, snarled at it as dangerous, and blocked it.Possibly, Bulldog is very wary of anything mentioning money on non-https web-sites ev... less
To be a victim of a sexually perverted person and then be attacked again for "lying" when you tell the truth is not something women particularly enjoy. So they try to stifle it. Bu... moreTo be a victim of a sexually perverted person and then be attacked again for "lying" when you tell the truth is not something women particularly enjoy. So they try to stifle it. But they never forget. It doesn't go away. It is always part of whom they are. It is a fact of life that women have to deal with and they don't all deal with it in the same way. Some try to forget it. Some go into analysis. Some never trust men again so their relationships are often very difficult and short-term. Everyone is permanently damaged by it. So on top of that to let others pile on and accuse them of lying and ulterior motives and wanting money and fame? They'd rather remain silent. Until a dumb-a** like Trump shows up and says on TV that he never acted on his words. That did the trick for several of them to come forward. If the dumb-a** had admitted it and apologized for it they may never have said a word. But he didn't. He said he NEVER acted on any of his words. So he is getting what is coming to... less
I for one, took a moment of pride to see our military quickly react by taking out three radar sites in Yemen.
I think hate would do the most damage but how much damage could fear do? How can what you think/feel affect your body? What is the mechanism at work here?
It seemingly energizes them and they look like they're thriving for the short-term until that fateful day when they have reached their limit and expire from within. No one mourns t... moreIt seemingly energizes them and they look like they're thriving for the short-term until that fateful day when they have reached their limit and expire from within. No one mourns them but other haters. They have only one another because they are not welcome anywhere. by anyone else.
OF all the dumb-a** responses anyone could give the so-called allegedly religious Ben Carson says it's okay to put morality aside during an election? Seriously?
Is your community mentally/emotionally/socially healthy for your children? What is the responsibility of your community to its children? Is there any at all or are children SOLELY ... moreIs your community mentally/emotionally/socially healthy for your children? What is the responsibility of your community to its children? Is there any at all or are children SOLELY the responsibility of their parents and once out in the world children are on their own all alone to sink or swim with no help from anyone? Why?