American Latinos for Donald Trump expressed outrage on Monday against the mainstream media for coverage given to Hispanics who support Trump – specifically pointing to a Politico a... moreAmerican Latinos for Donald Trump expressed outrage on Monday against the mainstream media for coverage given to Hispanics who support Trump – specifically pointing to a Politico article published on Sunday titled, “The lonely lives of Latinos for Trump.”
Mark F., who wishes to leave his last name anonymous, was interviewed by Politico and briefly mentioned in the article because he produced many videos for a group on Twitter, “Latinos for Trump.” He said he thought it was unfair that Politico portrayed Latinos as lonely.
“I am not ‘Lonely.’ My whole family is voting for Trump. I am very vocal in my family about it. I don’t hide it,” Mark F. told Breitbart News in response to the Politico story. “If it was Latinos For Hillary or Latinos For Bernie, the media would never ask such questions.”
“I felt insulted that he would write how ‘lonely’ we are,” Victor – who also wouldn’t disclose his last name, but is on Twitter as @elvatoteporocho – added, after also being approached for an ... less
We have a lot of morons out there. This is what I mean by equal. Not all Latinos have brains any more than any other race. But to offer up their integrity and pride to follow Do... moreWe have a lot of morons out there. This is what I mean by equal. Not all Latinos have brains any more than any other race. But to offer up their integrity and pride to follow Donald Trump? That hits new skids of low.
The difference is thus: If you're a guard, in one scenario, your role is to HOUSE, FEED, and PROTECT your charges.. In the other, your role is to make it as MISERABLE as ... moreHello:
The difference is thus: If you're a guard, in one scenario, your role is to HOUSE, FEED, and PROTECT your charges.. In the other, your role is to make it as MISERABLE as you can..
Why walk up to a driver's window and start barking at him/her. Doctors practice good bedside manners, so why can't policemen use some kind of decorum? Then if the police know they ... moreWhy walk up to a driver's window and start barking at him/her. Doctors practice good bedside manners, so why can't policemen use some kind of decorum? Then if the police know they have a dangerous situation, why don't they stay away from a dangerous person and wait for backup, maybe giving the irate driver time to calm down.
I'm thinking about Tamir Rice also. Why couldn't they have assessed the situation better with a 12-year-old. Perhaps the angry ones are the police? They are the ones who need to calm down? less
I happen to know that prisons don't have air-conditioning for prisoners. The heat here in Texas gets to 120 F. some summers. That is really hot! I wonder how many prisoners die wit... moreI happen to know that prisons don't have air-conditioning for prisoners. The heat here in Texas gets to 120 F. some summers. That is really hot! I wonder how many prisoners die with that kind of heat.
With Leadsome pulling out of the Tory leadership race Teresa May is the only candidate left and is therefore set to become UK PM. In the UK we elect a party not the person so we ca... moreWith Leadsome pulling out of the Tory leadership race Teresa May is the only candidate left and is therefore set to become UK PM. In the UK we elect a party not the person so we can' be sure there will be a snap general election. Also with the Toryish Blairites running a coup against Corbyn in the Labour party they don't appear ready to have one. May is best known for wanting the age of consent lowered to 14 and wanting pedophiles to be allowed to adopt. This is also not a win for feminism as some may assume. Like Thatcher, May could care less about women as her voting record suggests. She would gladly let women suffer in order to keep power. Personally, I am an SNP member so I am just hoping for Scotland to leave the UK ASAP but I also don't want to see the working people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland suffer. So really my question is do we stick with May for now? or do we try to get a general election ASAP and hope that the Blairites stop their ridiculous attempt to keep the Labour party from being the... less
I started gaining my dogs trust by whispering to him that pretty soon I'll send the scary lady on a beer run then steal him and take him home were we will live happily ever after. ... moreI started gaining my dogs trust by whispering to him that pretty soon I'll send the scary lady on a beer run then steal him and take him home were we will live happily ever after. After I stole him he was still nervous wreak so I would pat him on the head and say - dar dar dar the scary lady is all gone but I think we both knew that pretty soon the scary lady would come looking for him. I stole the dog I have now from a party house because I could see that all the fighting and screaming was hard on him so I stole/rescued him (the scary lady was the loudest and craziest one at the house). When the scary lady did come looking for her dog I told her why I took her dog and luckily she didn't kill me because she knew some of the other dogs I had and how well they were treated. The dog had nervous problems for months after that so I would sometimes pat him on the head and say things to him like dar dar dar the scary lady is never coming back because she is stuck in a snow drift in Saskatchewan (she really wasn't but i... less