Do NOT feel collectively responsible when an assailant is black.
White folks do NOT feel collectively responsible when an assailant is white.
If white people get to be individuals and presumed collectively innocent, then black people get to be individuals and presumed collectively innocent, too.
“Please don’t let them be black!” We’ve been indoctrinated to feel collectively guilty/responsible when a black person commits a crime.
No matter what crime a white person commits, white people aren’t indoctrinated to feel collectively responsible.
White folks who commit crimes never lose their humanity, no matter how heinous the crime.
Black folks who commit crimes are never allowed their humanity no matter how harmless the crime.
White folks who commit crimes are regarded as individuals who made “mistakes” and have “legitimate” excuses like “mental illness” and “affluenza.”
Black folks who commit crimes are considered inherently evil and degenerate by virtue of being black and a reflection a... less
I want this question to be a poll
polls are stupid
why bother
I think polls can be fun but certainly not this question.... moreI want this question to be a poll
polls are stupid
why bother
I think polls can be fun but certainly not this question.
I'v been watching some old Red Green TV shows and keep your stick on the ice - is what he always said at the end of the show. Basically it means be fair and play by the rules in yo... moreI'v been watching some old Red Green TV shows and keep your stick on the ice - is what he always said at the end of the show. Basically it means be fair and play by the rules in your day to day life. I used to try and to keep my stick on the ice but day to day life is getting too unjust and dangerous to always play fairly. Cheers and happy week!
Gordon Lightfoot wrote a song called Black Day In July - it's about the race riots that happened in Detroit in the 60's. Last night when I was watching the news I got the feelin... moreGordon Lightfoot wrote a song called Black Day In July - it's about the race riots that happened in Detroit in the 60's. Last night when I was watching the news I got the feeling that history was going to repeat itself but these riots are going to be 1000X worse. I bet when some people heard that the guy who shot the cops wanted to shot white people some people thought - oh ya we will see about that and some other people thought that it sounded like a good plan. It's pretty scary to think what can happen and I'm hoping no riots happen. Cheers and happy weekend! less
A customer asked if he could leave and come because he was going to get Mickey D's and he asked if I wanted something from there. Also there is a freaking huge bee in the booth! O.o
Avoid the streets, the malls, the churches, the schools and the kindergartens to name a few if you should ever visit the USA. Isn't it ironic , don't you think?
now I know this sounds really dumb, but it's gotten me thinking:
HOW can we see water in a crystal glass, or any type of glass, when
BOTH ARE CLEAR!!!!!!!?????????... morenow I know this sounds really dumb, but it's gotten me thinking:
HOW can we see water in a crystal glass, or any type of glass, when
BOTH ARE CLEAR!!!!!!!?????????
now think about it........if you told someone that, 'hey, water's clear and the glass is clear, but I can still see the water in the glass'.......
wouldn't that sound odd?
ok, everybody,,,,,,,YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
I bought one once at an astrology convention that for some strange reason appealed to me; it was a quartz crystal,very common from what I'm told...
anyway, I lost the darn thing!!... moreI bought one once at an astrology convention that for some strange reason appealed to me; it was a quartz crystal,very common from what I'm told...
anyway, I lost the darn thing!!! now I want to get another one, no special reason, just that they appeal to me for some reason.
does anyone have a crystal? where did you get it? what did you like about it?
do you do anything with it, that is, program it, etc.?????????????
Should this law be even tighter against name-stealer bands who turn out to be more successful than their victims (i.e. the bands whose names they stole, such as Blue or Nirvana)?
Compared to the world children are growing up in today----refugees, excess of media, global economy, climate change, mass shootings, etc.
It's true that you can never come home, b... moreCompared to the world children are growing up in today----refugees, excess of media, global economy, climate change, mass shootings, etc.
It's true that you can never come home, but memories still linger. But do you remember life was so much simpler?
Gen 6:5 (KJV) And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, andthat every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Gen 6:5 (NASB) Then ... moreGen 6:5 (KJV) And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, andthat every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Gen 6:5 (NASB) Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.