Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is a Baptist church (unaffiliated with any Baptist organization) which is known for its hate speech, especially against LGBT people (homophobia), Cath... moreWestboro Baptist Church (WBC) is a Baptist church (unaffiliated with any Baptist organization) which is known for its hate speech, especially against LGBT people (homophobia), Catholics (anti-Catholicism), Muslims (Islamophobia), Jews (religious antisemitism), American soldiers and politicians. The church is widely known as a hate group and is monitored as such by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. The church has been involved in actions against gay people since at least 1991, when it sought a crackdown on homosexual activity at Gage Park six blocks northwest of the church. In addition to conducting anti-gay protests at military funerals, the organization pickets celebrity funerals and public events. Protests have also been held against Jews and Catholics, and some protests have included WBC members stomping on the American flag and/or flying the flag upside down on a flagpole. The church also has made statements such as, "thank God for dead soldiers," "God blew up the troops," "than... less
I recently asked this query as it has been on my mind, and thought I'd post again for a night crowd opinions too. I keep thinking of this guy, he is a landscaper who cleans up a pr... moreI recently asked this query as it has been on my mind, and thought I'd post again for a night crowd opinions too. I keep thinking of this guy, he is a landscaper who cleans up a property that my friend lives in. I help her with her toddler /care, and he has complimented me on my attention I give to the toddler- he sometimes smiles at me, asked if they were being too loud, and recently waved as he went by. This behavior seems like he has a liking to me, and I do to him too, however, it could just be that he's being kind/friendly. Any thoughts? I guess I can talk to him a bit more and take it day by day, it's just I don't want to be off base with the dynamic. Ty for any replies less
My Mom let me borrow her car for the past few weeks. My father-in-law wanted to borrow it and let my husband know. I said if he wants to use it, he'll have to directly ask my mothe... moreMy Mom let me borrow her car for the past few weeks. My father-in-law wanted to borrow it and let my husband know. I said if he wants to use it, he'll have to directly ask my mother. They didn't want to and want me to intercede. I didn't want to because I knew my Mom won't be happy about it. So, now there are a lot of hurt feelings involved. But, it's not my car to begin with. I can't let them use something I don't own. Am I really the bad guy here? :/
Once in a round about way my dog probably saved my life. I was sitting on my deck minding my own business when a bear came into the yard and started trying to push my apple tree do... moreOnce in a round about way my dog probably saved my life. I was sitting on my deck minding my own business when a bear came into the yard and started trying to push my apple tree down (so it could get the apples). It must of made me temporarily insane because I jumped off the deck and charged at the bear well calling it ever dirty name in the book. The bear ran into some heavy brush and I was going to go in after it but I noticed my dog had joined in on the chase and he was also about to head into the brush. I started thinking stupid dog that bear is going to kill you then it dawned on me that I was pretty stupid too (stupid is as stupid does - I guess). I would of probably went charging into the brush if I didn't notice my dog and come to my senses so I figure he saved my life. Cheers and happy weekend! less
have implemented a carry firearm law. Citizens can legally carry on person firearms, and the State of Vermont charges no fee's. Since the implementation of the right to carry firea... morehave implemented a carry firearm law. Citizens can legally carry on person firearms, and the State of Vermont charges no fee's. Since the implementation of the right to carry firearms, the State has recorded a lower crime rate. Rape 5%, murder 8.5%, assault 7%, robbery 3%. Criminals that do these different crimes all admit that they're scared of the risk of retaliation of the same deadly force. and being shot themselves. Criminals that commit these acts rely on gun control advocates, they're cowards that use guns on unarmed people. less
As far as I have been able to research it does not, all the angels I have seen mentioned are male.
The angels that came down to earth and begat the Nephelim on human women must hav... moreAs far as I have been able to research it does not, all the angels I have seen mentioned are male.
The angels that came down to earth and begat the Nephelim on human women must have been male.
In paintings Angels are most often depicted as female (or children) Pictures of adult male angels are rare.
Particularly the Cherubs (Child Angels) are strange, dont angels live forever? With no need generate 'replacements' for themselves. Do they even have organs for procreating ? If we consider the Nephelim to be Angel/Human hybrids they must.
Please enlighten me ;-)) less
Inspired by JA. Another quiz. Yes. Join if you like, no obligation though. Please add your result and description in the comments if you do take the test.
Link: http://www.allthet... moreInspired by JA. Another quiz. Yes. Join if you like, no obligation though. Please add your result and description in the comments if you do take the test.
What else is there to say? YOU ROCK! You are so kind and so selfless, it's surprising as hell you haven't already been nominated for sainthood. You will either come back as a god, or as pure love, or maybe as a star or a moon. Either way, you are beautiful and you deserve the greatest happiness in everything you do. It's a good thing there aren't too many people like you -- if everyone had such good karma, the human race would disappear, and reincarnate into a giant mass of beauty!
Not my choice. Quite ironical as I don't believe in any god(s) myself. Lol. less
Now that we voted to Brexit, some people are saying that they hope it brings about the end of the whole institution of the European Union. Why? They got Britain out (which I did no... moreNow that we voted to Brexit, some people are saying that they hope it brings about the end of the whole institution of the European Union. Why? They got Britain out (which I did not vote for, but they won fairly!) but surely it is up to other countries to say if they want to be in the EU? Why hope for the break-up of the entire institution? Why be so bloody-minded about it?