I am well aware that we are not to mention other members in a disparaging way, that is not my intent here. I am genuinely curious if she has ever answered a question. I’ve ne... moreI am well aware that we are not to mention other members in a disparaging way, that is not my intent here. I am genuinely curious if she has ever answered a question. I’ve never seen it in my time here and when I was doing my “call out” for replies on my Tom Cruise question, made me think of it. SO DON’T DELETE THIS! Please :)
On December 21st Eddie Murphy will be hosting the Saturday Night Live Christmas show. I can't wait and I already have visions of Buckwheat, Gumby an... moreOn December 21st Eddie Murphy will be hosting the Saturday Night Live Christmas show. I can't wait and I already have visions of Buckwheat, Gumby and Mr. Robinson dancing in my head. Cheers and happy Labour Day!
It's the Labour day weekend in Canada and after that the most wonderful time of the year starts - back to school for the kids. I enjoyed hearing and watching the kids around&n... moreIt's the Labour day weekend in Canada and after that the most wonderful time of the year starts - back to school for the kids. I enjoyed hearing and watching the kids around here having summer fun but I'm looking forward to seeing the school bus pull up on Monday and takes them away to a place that will fill their heads up with new knowledge. I included a link to a back to school commercial that Alice Cooper and his daughter stared in. Cheers and happy Labour day! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=alice+cooper+%2b+back+to+school+comercial&view=detail&mid=E4F4EBFD108A6007D235E4F4EBFD108A6007D235&FORM=VIRE less
If it’s something awesome like a pony or a boat, you’re invited to my divorce party on Sunday. It’s gonna be a tops party, cos Randy’s alimony checks will b... moreIf it’s something awesome like a pony or a boat, you’re invited to my divorce party on Sunday. It’s gonna be a tops party, cos Randy’s alimony checks will be financing it. If it’s tilde or sandwich related, YOU CAN NOT COME TO MY PARTY. So what’s my present?
A) Best, B) Best regards,C) Best wishes,D) Fond regards,E) Kind regards,F) PLEASE ADVISEG) Regards,H) Kind Regards,I) Sincerely,J) Sincerely yours,K) other
ive tried to get on ssi for 7 yrs and couldnt get it, one day a neighbor left a note taped to my door with the number of citizenships disability, i called them thinkin... more ive tried to get on ssi for 7 yrs and couldnt get it, one day a neighbor left a note taped to my door with the number of citizenships disability, i called them thinking they called me, anyways 8 months later i got on ssi , i was born in uruguay and i noticed that when they would send me emails they would have my spanish name on it, my social security card was in spanish, im a citizen, when others have tried to get me on ssi they used my english name, did that agency catch on to that? just wondered if thats why they were able to get me on it when noone else could less
As a government employee, I was expected to take the word of project sponsors and their contractors about the environmental risks due to proposed civil works projects even though I... moreAs a government employee, I was expected to take the word of project sponsors and their contractors about the environmental risks due to proposed civil works projects even though I pointed out numerous false statements in previous such reports. I was supposed to write my reports, "as if" the contractors reports were true. I refused and was run off.
a labor market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs.
"working in the gig economy means constantly being subjected to last-minute scheduling"
early 21st century: from gig2 in the sense ‘a job’ + economy.
... moreTop 21 Absolutely Ugliest Cities In The World
2. Pyongyang, North Korea
Pyongyang looks like a city designed by student architects who had never gotten a look at the real thing. Given North Korea’s secrecy and travel restrictions, that might actually be the case. Whoever the city planners were, they seemed to embrace pointlessness. Buildings appear to have been plopped down at random, and large modern-looking highways lead absolutely nowhere.
Then there’s the awesome ugliness of the Ryugyong Hotel. This 105-story monstrosity is wildly out-of-scale with anything else in the city. Esquire magazine readers decided the 3,200 room hotel the “Worst Building in the History of Mankind.” Others call it the “hotel of doom.”
A few brave souls who ventured inside and smuggled reports out have claimed that the elevator shafts are crooked and the walls are bare concrete. Even in North Korea that doesn’t equate to luxury accommodations.... less
I just bought a car and while I liked the sales guy, the transaction did not go as smoothly as it should have. He told me that if he got less than a perfect score on the survey, it... moreI just bought a car and while I liked the sales guy, the transaction did not go as smoothly as it should have. He told me that if he got less than a perfect score on the survey, it would affect his pay for the next three months. I think surveys should be used to learn how to improve service, not to punish employees. I want them to know what the issues are, but I don't want him to pay for it.