When I was a young boy in 3 or 4th grade, I discovered an old, dusty, book in the school library entitled "The Complete Nonsense Book" by Edward Leare.I spent hours, days, weeks ma... moreWhen I was a young boy in 3 or 4th grade, I discovered an old, dusty, book in the school library entitled "The Complete Nonsense Book" by Edward Leare.I spent hours, days, weeks marvelling over the words and illustrations contained within it's covers. It was not until today during a discussion with my dearest Twinkle Dink that I recalled Leary's wonderous artistry.The memories began flooding back to me. His limmericks and drawings brought me such joy. I have rediscovered my favorite author who I shameless and regrettably had forgotten. In an ironic twist, during one of the many talks between Twinkle Dink and myself, he revealed that one of his favorite poems was one called, "The Owl And The Pussycat" which I too have always loved. He could not recall the author's name, nor could I *sigh* . That author was Edward Leare.Fun fact,Leare is considered the father of the limmerick as we know it today I feel as though I have been reunited with a very special, dear, old friend. I s... less
This is not interns not volunteers. Unionized campaign workers. Bernie is disappointed they voiced their complaint in public. O_OAnyone else think he is toast?
Apparently when he found out he got crabs he went back to the hooker to complain and she said - it was only $5 what did you expect lobster? Stole that joke from Seth... moreApparently when he found out he got crabs he went back to the hooker to complain and she said - it was only $5 what did you expect lobster? Stole that joke from Seth Meyers. Cheers!
Phyllophaga is a very large genus (more than 900 species) of New World scarab beetles in the subfamily Melolonthinae. Common names for this ... morePhyllophaga is a very large genus (more than 900 species) of New World scarab beetles in the subfamily Melolonthinae. Common names for this genus and many other related genera in the subfamily Melolonthinae are May beetles, June bugs, and June beetles. They range in size from 12 to 35 mm (0.47 to 1.38 in) and are blackish or reddish-brown in colour, without prominent markings, and often rather hairy ventrally. These beetles are nocturnal, coming to lights in great numbers.
The generic name is derived from the Greek words phyllon (φυλλον), which means "leaf", and phagos (φαγος), which means "eater", with a plural ending.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllophaga
m2c is out of control for moderating this in another thread. She needs to be stopped. This over-reaching is not good for the site.Its my opinion and I have a right to state it. less
I have just perused the Mug TOS several times and find no reference to Men's Swimwear being against the TOS.https://answermug.com/help/termsAs an Ex-Moderator, I know this very wel... moreI have just perused the Mug TOS several times and find no reference to Men's Swimwear being against the TOS.https://answermug.com/help/termsAs an Ex-Moderator, I know this very well.,,
Please use all of your verbs in a sentence and then diagram each of your sentences. Please hand your work in by 5 PM today. Points will be deducted for all late assignments.