In a now-viral tweetstorm on Saturday, President Trump characterized Rep. ... moreKUSHNER IS A SLUM LORD IN BALTIMORE. HE HAS NOT ONE NICE PROPERTY. NOT ONE.His properties are deplorable.
In a now-viral tweetstorm on Saturday, President Trump characterized Rep. Elijah E. Cummings’s Baltimore-based congressional district as a “rodent infested mess” where “no human” would want to live.
His criticism rang with a particular irony in Baltimore County, where presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner owns more than a dozen apartment complexes that have been cited for hundreds of code violations and, critics say, provide substandard housing to lower-income tenants.
In an interview Saturday, Baltimore County Executive John A. Olszewski Jr. condemned Trump’s comments as “an attack on basic decency.”
“It is certainly ironic that the president’s own son-in-law was complicit in contributing to some of the neglect that the president purports to be so concerned about,” Olszewski (D) added. less
The only thing I can think of is that we would have Pence to take his place. But that could be easily resolved.I think that his administration is SO INCOMPETENT that it would... moreThe only thing I can think of is that we would have Pence to take his place. But that could be easily resolved.I think that his administration is SO INCOMPETENT that it would be a piece of cake to off this moron. He is a moron surrounded by morons. But no one, not even those 911 responders he invited in to the Oval who had nothing to lose because they are already too far gone, did not bring a shiv in to do him in.Are we so dead in this country that even the killers have given up hope? We have moron psychos killing innocent children in schools and no one hates Trump enough? We have killers who hate kids but not Trump? We have killers who want to make a name for themselves.And poetic justice would be for the NEXT president to pardon the killer. That would be rad and progressive in a great way. less
Irn traveling on the 13th for about a wk, irn going all the way to south arnerica where i was born, rny brothers asked rne and rny sister to go with thern to s... more Irn traveling on the 13th for about a wk, irn going all the way to south arnerica where i was born, rny brothers asked rne and rny sister to go with thern to see relatives there, as fun as it will be we're going to be flying overnight, so i wont have any privacy or be able to sleep alone, i'll have everyone on the plane to listen to, and irn a light sleeper, so how do i sleep, cant take sleeping pills cause i have to have benadryl cause of allergies, so that rnight help rne sleep sornewhat, i could take rnelatonin with rne but theres no guarantee i'll sleep, any ideas of how to get sorne sleep when youre traveling overnight, i could try avoiding caffeine, anything else? less
Back when I was on a Jamaican Forum one of the gals there started making posts about the new guy she met and how well they were getting along. After a month or so she made a ... moreBack when I was on a Jamaican Forum one of the gals there started making posts about the new guy she met and how well they were getting along. After a month or so she made a post saying the guy started ignoring her phone calls and text messages and she didn't understand why he was ignoring her or why he wouldn't at least let her know it was over. She asked for advice on what to do and the other people gave her reasonable advice like forget about him and there are lots of fish in the sea. But I figured she deserved more respect then that and the guy would never learn anything if she just ignored his behavior. So I advised her to attach a note to a rock that said - Ignore this - then throw it through his window. Cheers! less
Since I have today and tomorrow off my neighbors asked if I would help them out of a pinch. Down a vehicle and working opposite shifts they asked if I would mind watching their kid... moreSince I have today and tomorrow off my neighbors asked if I would help them out of a pinch. Down a vehicle and working opposite shifts they asked if I would mind watching their kid a few hours in the morning for two days while one goes to work and the other is waiting to get out.I went over at 6 and we had chocolate milk and cereal on the porch while she told about the dogs eating their chicken off the counter the night before. It appears the story is worth retelling in detail even though I was there when they found it. Somehow a 4 year old has psychic abilities that allows them to piece together every detail of the crime scene after the fact. It was quite the fascinating drama. After that we watched Coraline while she made play-doh ice cream cones before her mom got home.It was actually a pretty relaxing morning and an enjoyable glimps of a life experience I never experienced first hand. I ain't signing up to be a sitter anytime soon, or ever,but it was fun once less
Last weekend I made my cat a Hissy Box - its a box with a small hole in it and it has a mirror inside it. when the cat looks inside she sees her reflection and starts hissing at it... moreLast weekend I made my cat a Hissy Box - its a box with a small hole in it and it has a mirror inside it. when the cat looks inside she sees her reflection and starts hissing at it - it keeps her amused for hours. Cheers!
After? I could eat free at Salvation Army chow halls and live in a homeless shelter place for a while.What is the greatest jackpot amount that a slot machine will pay?