By top heavy I mean so much wealth is at the upper end of the scale that the lower classes become disgruntled at having to do without and rebel, often violently. Can you thin... moreBy top heavy I mean so much wealth is at the upper end of the scale that the lower classes become disgruntled at having to do without and rebel, often violently. Can you think of any place where that is happening?
Russia is a mighty country. When ill have enough money ill probably go there to visit and see many nice places. I asked my mom if she want to go with me, but i dont think she ... moreRussia is a mighty country. When ill have enough money ill probably go there to visit and see many nice places. I asked my mom if she want to go with me, but i dont think she would.
i used to have a random Hole in one of my front teeth. it wasnt a cavity or anything like that, it never got infected. it was just there for years until a dentist filled it in when I was 18
like one you cant get treated for because you dont have health insurance even tho its ruining your life and no one ever thinks anything or takes you seriously because you're high f... morelike one you cant get treated for because you dont have health insurance even tho its ruining your life and no one ever thinks anything or takes you seriously because you're high functioning until they find the antibacterial ointment and gauze in your sock drawer