theres a thing i dont get much. when i look at a world's map, i see canada up there and we have snow, but in europe, they are around the same height , but from what they say about ... moretheres a thing i dont get much. when i look at a world's map, i see canada up there and we have snow, but in europe, they are around the same height , but from what they say about it, europe barely get snow during winters. by talking about europe, i mean france, germany, england, etc.
I haven't had my hair cut since 2013 and then it was just a trim. I don't know what to do with this massive mane nor where to go. Finding somewhere to go and trust that they won't ... moreI haven't had my hair cut since 2013 and then it was just a trim. I don't know what to do with this massive mane nor where to go. Finding somewhere to go and trust that they won't butcher my hair has been the hardest thing since I moved here in 2009. Should I just cut it myself?
I was very badly humiliated by an office colleague with whom I was in a brief relationship, and we had a very nasty breakup. I had resolved never to get intimate with him or any ot... moreI was very badly humiliated by an office colleague with whom I was in a brief relationship, and we had a very nasty breakup. I had resolved never to get intimate with him or any other office colleague. I'm presently in another relationship; but even more than a year afterwards he's ever present in my thoughts. I've never felt this way before. Am I truly in love?
I'm just in that kinda mood.Just to give you a gauge of what movies I like and find adequately sad: Awakenings, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the documentaries The Br... moreI'm just in that kinda mood.Just to give you a gauge of what movies I like and find adequately sad: Awakenings, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the documentaries The Bridge and About a Son, Oldboy (2003), and the Sixth Sense I actually find really sad too.
Pretend you didn't see him/ her?Send a friendly hello with the hopes of avoiding awkwardness?Pursue him/ her because they're a good match?Something else? (Please explain.)
Throughout the millenia, different cultures have believed in different kinds of afterlives. Some would ensure their relatives were buried with all the items they would need.