(John Lennon, Paul McCartney)
Damn this bloody war. Periscope up.
Alright, ow
Jo Jo was a man who thought he was a loner,But he knew it wouldn't last.Jo Jo left his home in Tucson Arizona,for some California grass.
Get back! Get back!Get back to where you once belongedGet back! Get back!Get back to where you once belonged.
Get back Jo Jo
Get back! Get back!Get back to where you once belongedYou better go on back! Get back!Get back to where you once belonged.
Get backYeah
Sweet Loretta Modernthought she was a woman,But she was another man.All the girls around hersaid she had it comingBut she gets it while she can.
Get back! Get back!Get back to where you once belongedGet back! You better get on backGet back to where you once belonged.Get back! Get back!Get back to where you once belongedGet back Jo JoGet back! Get back!Get back to where you once belongedAh yeah, owGet back, LorettaYou're mama's waitin'Oh yeahOh yeahOw OwOw Ow OwGet back
Me and youJo Jo was a man who thought he was a loner... less