A review on the radio this morning, of the day's papers, touched on the tale of a woman who smashed her children's iPhones, with the result that their family became much happier, m... moreA review on the radio this morning, of the day's papers, touched on the tale of a woman who smashed her children's iPhones, with the result that their family became much happier, more cohesive and communicative.It also produced two other, conflicting third-party results; one promoting wanton waste, both sharing a theme of utter childishness and stupidity. One of these results was a (sadly predictable?) barrage of insults and abuse on social media. The other was confessions of similar actions, with some owners admitting to throwing their instruments under vehicle wheels (did they clear up the mess?) or into canals (more litter - a few prosecutions would not come amiss).By all means get rid of the device you felt apparently necessary to own in the first place, but wouldn't it far more constructive to sell it, or at least give it away, than wantonly destroy a costly, perfectly serviceable, instrument someone else could use, and perhaps use rather more sensibly?For the record, I have a basic port... less
For instance, I am planning to wax my car, I have no carport nor other shaded area at my home, and according to the instructions, I should not do it in direct sunlight nor w... more For instance, I am planning to wax my car, I have no carport nor other shaded area at my home, and according to the instructions, I should not do it in direct sunlight nor when the temperature is over 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Today's forecast shows it will be 68 low and 79 high. I will have to alter my plan in order to avoid damaging the car's finish. ~
We often take it for granted that we know what respect is, but often people have different personal or cultural ideas about how it is expressed.What does it connote for you persona... moreWe often take it for granted that we know what respect is, but often people have different personal or cultural ideas about how it is expressed.What does it connote for you personally?Dictionary says:
respect rɪˈspɛkt/
abstract noun
a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
What is the purpose of a private profile? I am not too active here, but when I do come on I would like to see some of the questions and answers from certain members, especially whe... moreWhat is the purpose of a private profile? I am not too active here, but when I do come on I would like to see some of the questions and answers from certain members, especially when I share some of the same views. It doesn't make much sense to me for someone to join a public site and then hide their content...makes it seem like more of a club then a Q&A site
Why are so many people willing to withhold information and lie to law enforcement involving serious, violent, and/or sexual crimes? How can someone witness something like a murder ... moreWhy are so many people willing to withhold information and lie to law enforcement involving serious, violent, and/or sexual crimes? How can someone witness something like a murder or shooting and not come forward? I couldn’t live with myself. i do believe part of my ignorance to this is I never had to live in a neighborhood with these issues. I know there’s a no snitch code, but I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night not help bringing justice to the culprit to remove thek from the streets and for the sake of the victims and their loved ones. I‘m genuinely curious and want to know why. less
https://boston.cbslocal.com/2018/09/13/lawrence-fires-explosions-gas-main/this is all very close and just north of boston. all three cities are being evacuated and i cant even imag... morehttps://boston.cbslocal.com/2018/09/13/lawrence-fires-explosions-gas-main/this is all very close and just north of boston. all three cities are being evacuated and i cant even imagine being forced to leave my home and not knowing if its going to be there when i come back
is there anything stopping you besides the price? ive been watching a show called changing faces and good god it makes me want cosmetic surgery so bad. maybe let them sha... moreis there anything stopping you besides the price? ive been watching a show called changing faces and good god it makes me want cosmetic surgery so bad. maybe let them shave my jawline and chin down for a more narrow face, break and reset my nose and shave off excess cartilage on the tip, lip fillers and a brow lifti thought about veneers but my teeth actually look pretty nice in terms of color but i would def get invisalign to fix the small imperfections in terms of alignment
I have this neighbor thats been a real pain since day one. he used to be honneless, so he has a lot of honneless buddies that conne to visit, this wouldn... more I have this neighbor thats been a real pain since day one. he used to be honneless, so he has a lot of honneless buddies that conne to visit, this wouldnt be bad but he practically lets thenn live there, i live above hinn and have had to call the cops cause of loud nnusic in the nniddle of the night. hes loud and so are his friends, his girlfriend will be screanning at hinn outside, shes not allowed here but connes anyways, and screanning inside at hinn, theyve both been in jail while hes been living here, he connes honne at 4ann and props the door open for his buddies, which isnt safe for the rest of us, god only knows who can conne in fronn the outside, the apt nnanager knows about all this and has given hinn notice so he has to leave at the end of the nnonth, not soon enough, what if sonne weirdo connes in in the nniddle of the night and gets into stuff or brings a gun around, this guy wont leave the door shut at night. i think he should leave now and not end of the nnonth, any sugg... less
One night or less than an hour’s sleep and I’m done for. Somehow people in special forces in the military do this for up to several days during training. I don’t ... moreOne night or less than an hour’s sleep and I’m done for. Somehow people in special forces in the military do this for up to several days during training. I don’t know how people do it.
why are beards so hot amongst young guys right now? whether it's full grown, or that annoying 'stubble' *****, WHY WHY WHY?BEARDS TO NOTHING TO MAKE A MAN LOOK BET... morewhy are beards so hot amongst young guys right now? whether it's full grown, or that annoying 'stubble' *****, WHY WHY WHY?BEARDS TO NOTHING TO MAKE A MAN LOOK BETTERMATTER OF FACT, A BEARD AGES A MAN'S FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!so anyhow, I know it's a 'thing' right now, but give me a clean cut, shaven face anytime!!!!!and if you guys think stubble and beards make you look good, you are outofyour*******minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok???????see???????????????hmmmmmmm?