I woke up this morning freaking out. I dreamt we had a full blown riot and shoot out at the prison I work at. I had a tommy gun and a 9mm. I just remember being engaged in several ... moreI woke up this morning freaking out. I dreamt we had a full blown riot and shoot out at the prison I work at. I had a tommy gun and a 9mm. I just remember being engaged in several shootouts with inmates.
If that doesn't provide a clear-cut exposé of the full range of varieties in the lowest common denominator in human personalities, I'll bet nothing would.*I never eat... more If that doesn't provide a clear-cut exposé of the full range of varieties in the lowest common denominator in human personalities, I'll bet nothing would.*I never eat any of those samples, I don't even approach those displays. I avoid them like the plague. ~
I don’t have children. Today I watched my niece and nephew for my sister. They were out of school and she didn’t want to take off. My nephew looks like his dad, but act... moreI don’t have children. Today I watched my niece and nephew for my sister. They were out of school and she didn’t want to take off. My nephew looks like his dad, but acts just like my sister. His attitude and temper is the exact same. His sense of humor and interests are the same. My niece looks like my sister and acts like her dad. She’s always singing, dancing, or doing artsy stuff.
What are some other everyday expressions or adages that use the names of foods but do not refer to that food? To increase how interesting this can be, would you please includ... moreWhat are some other everyday expressions or adages that use the names of foods but do not refer to that food? To increase how interesting this can be, would you please include any of them that you know in other languages* too? Thanks!*Please provide the English translation of any foreign-language entries, if you would be so kind. ~
What are some other numerically-based expressions or adages, and to increase how interesting this can be, would you please include any of them that you know in other languag... more What are some other numerically-based expressions or adages, and to increase how interesting this can be, would you please include any of them that you know in other languages* too? Thanks!*Please provide the English translation of any foreign-language entries, if you would be so kind. ~
IMO, they are telling the Trumpsters - 'You better keep the House'.Jonathan Swan www.axios.com/2018-midterm-elections-republicans-preparation-investigations-180abf7b-0... moreIMO, they are telling the Trumpsters - 'You better keep the House'.Jonathan Swan www.axios.com/2018-midterm-elections-republicans-preparation-investigations-180abf7b-0de8-4670-ae8a-2e6da123c584.htmlHere’s House Republicans’ list of all the Trump scandals they’re covering up. It has churned Republican stomachs. Here are some of the probes it predicts:President Trump’s tax returnsTrump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution's emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump OrganizationTrump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir PutinThe payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy DanielsJames Comey's firingTrump's firing of U.S. attorneysTrump's proposed transgender ban for the militaryTreasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealingsWhite House staff's personal email useCabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perksDiscussion of classifie... less
Do you have investments that have appreciated since he took office? The NASDAQ composite fund in my IRA is up more than 45 percent since 1/20/17. Am I allowed to be happy about that?
Mine is the 'Archduke Leopold's gallery' I first saw it in Petworth Place UK, which is near me but which I only visited relatively recently. I just fell in love with the pict... moreMine is the 'Archduke Leopold's gallery' I first saw it in Petworth Place UK, which is near me but which I only visited relatively recently. I just fell in love with the picture.. I had someone very special to me whose favourite painting was, 'The fighting Temeraire' - he took me to the National Gallery. London to see it as he loved it so much and wanted me to share his joy regarding the painting.. I am wondering, if other people have favourites?