At least they can set their settings up so they can maintain some comfort instead of mentally pummeling them so they get crazier upon release. You can't lock people up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
habits of that channel if that were to happen, and who even watches MTV any more these days?
(Personal Disclaimer: for over two decades, I've neither watched MTV, nor have I even ... morehabits of that channel if that were to happen, and who even watches MTV any more these days?
(Personal Disclaimer: for over two decades, I've neither watched MTV, nor have I even seen a single music video on any other medium in that same time frame. My preference for 1980s music and pre-1980s music means that I have no knowledge whatsoever of subsequent offerings.)~
Ski Doo was worked on and the mechanic said put oil in fuel at 20:1 and still put the oil in the injector. Does this make for a 40:1 mix? And will it hurt the engine? (older engine 1992)
To anyone to has seen this movie, I just watched in on Amazon. In the movie a mother played by Sally Field daughter in murdered and the killer gets off because of some loophole. Wh... moreTo anyone to has seen this movie, I just watched in on Amazon. In the movie a mother played by Sally Field daughter in murdered and the killer gets off because of some loophole. What I want to know is why he was able to keep his job when he used his job to set up the murder? Even when he used his job to murder another woman he still kept his job.
so how about blondes; natural blondes, I mean.whaddya think? do you like blonde hair? again, NATURAL.I sure do........I'm gay and for me nothing like seeing a guy with blonde hair.... moreso how about blondes; natural blondes, I mean.whaddya think? do you like blonde hair? again, NATURAL.I sure do........I'm gay and for me nothing like seeing a guy with blonde hair....all ages......I esp. almost drool over that really light shade commonly called 'champagne'.....oooooooooooooooany other gay/straight people like blondes? again, natural..oh what the hell, let's not leave out the 'bottle blondes'......they're still blonde, even if not 'for real', right?LOL:-D:)
In the English language, what are some words that name human body parts AND can also mean, describe or refer to other parts of speech or inanimate objects that are decidedly... more In the English language, what are some words that name human body parts AND can also mean, describe or refer to other parts of speech or inanimate objects that are decidedly not human body parts? Any tense of the word can be used as long as its root names a human body partEXAMPLES:
head over to the ranch
the first leg of the trip took us through thick woods
she kneed him in the groin (knee as a verb in the past tense)
they only gave us a thumbnail sketch
just mouth the words; your singing is horrible
the well is bone-dry
don't butt in when Ma is speaking
I never eat the heel of a loaf of bread
you shouldn't elbow your way into this
FOOTNOTE: HOMONYMS are words that sound alike but have different meanings. HOMOGRAPHS are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
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