After steadfastly refusing marriage and children in favour of my own career advancement, I, at close to 46 and at the fag end of my reproductive life, am craving for my own ch... moreAfter steadfastly refusing marriage and children in favour of my own career advancement, I, at close to 46 and at the fag end of my reproductive life, am craving for my own child. I so often fantasise being a mother of twin boys of 20+. How I wish it were real! Do other professional women experience this trauma of deeply regretting their decision to forgo motherhood in their youth?
It is said that he loved to play cards and did not want to stop to eat so he asked for bits of meat between two slices of bread so he could continue playing cards and eat without t... moreIt is said that he loved to play cards and did not want to stop to eat so he asked for bits of meat between two slices of bread so he could continue playing cards and eat without the need to use utensils or get his fingers greasy. Even so there must be a much better name. What would YOU name it?
Is one death tragic and the other one not? Is one life more valuable than another? Does the mode of dying make the death more noble? I don't get it. If you do please explain it to me.
"Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the not go gentle into that good night"Will you rage and rave until the end or ... more "Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the not go gentle into that good night"Will you rage and rave until the end or will peaceful acceptance envelop you?
The world is supposed to end on Saturday. Are the earthquakes and hurricanes the beginning of the end? How much more can we absorb and still survive? And then you have The Do... moreThe world is supposed to end on Saturday. Are the earthquakes and hurricanes the beginning of the end? How much more can we absorb and still survive? And then you have The Donald John telling the UN that America will totally destroy North Korea. What if Kim Jong-un pre-empts first? I dunno about you but this may be the worst of times. It certainly isnt the best. Good luck to one and all.
Guy said his job was driving him crazy; he works on an automotive assembly line and he does the same little job on each car repeatedly that takes about 5 - 10 minutes. Very b... moreGuy said his job was driving him crazy; he works on an automotive assembly line and he does the same little job on each car repeatedly that takes about 5 - 10 minutes. Very boring.
Imagine a civilization no longer in reality and existing only in their virtual creations within their machines and much worse imagine a civilization unable to undo its manipulation... moreImagine a civilization no longer in reality and existing only in their virtual creations within their machines and much worse imagine a civilization unable to undo its manipulations of the fabric of its universe.