When you become president of the United States, you WILL appoint me as the first ever Secretary of Grammar, won't you?(Of course, I won't accept the position if it doesn't carry a ... moreWhen you become president of the United States, you WILL appoint me as the first ever Secretary of Grammar, won't you?(Of course, I won't accept the position if it doesn't carry a death penalty clause for violators. Oh, and I'll need you to grant me my own body of law enforcement officers with broad powers, little oversight, unlimited arrest authority, a secret multi-billion dollar budget, sweeping immunity, you know, all the usual necessities that keep a mini-regime functioning.)~
Last night I had a dream that all the plants in my vegetable garden and all the Scottish broom in my area died. I didn't see Trump in the dream but ... moreLast night I had a dream that all the plants in my vegetable garden and all the Scottish broom in my area died. I didn't see Trump in the dream but I figured he was responsible so I started hoping an alligator would get him at his golf coarse. Thats the scary part for me because normally I don't wish harm on anybody and now in my dreams I am. Cheers and happy weekend!
Conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists... It's a fascinating social and psychological phenomenon and of course some of them are just fun or funny... but many people believe t... moreConspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists... It's a fascinating social and psychological phenomenon and of course some of them are just fun or funny... but many people believe them very seriously.. and I wondered why America is so prone to and enamoured with the conspiracy theory?http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/why-are-so-many-americans-in-the-thrall-of-conspiracy-theorists-a6775921.htmlhttps://newrepublic.com/article/138033/trump-supporters-susceptible-conspiracy-theorieshttps://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-people-believe-in-conspiracy-theories/ less
In eyes I see the hues of life,Speck of sunlight beam as if gaffe,As life passes,youthful looks may change,so also pliable,palpitating heart may range!But eyes remain steady and fi... moreIn eyes I see the hues of life,Speck of sunlight beam as if gaffe,As life passes,youthful looks may change,so also pliable,palpitating heart may range!But eyes remain steady and firm,for therein lies soul in naked form,eyes never betray, always real and true,whether it be brown black or blue!
A tiny tribute by me 'Eyes - God or Nature's greatest gift..'
One of my brothers, FINALLY married his partner of 10 years. I don't get to see them as often as I would like because they live in another state, but I love them both. ... moreOne of my brothers, FINALLY married his partner of 10 years. I don't get to see them as often as I would like because they live in another state, but I love them both. Out of the blue, they went to city hall and done got theirselves hitched! What do you get a couple that has been together so long and have everything they need?*
*No sex toy suggestions please. They might be gay, but they are old and wouldn't be amused.
Edward Bernays: Know who he was? He knew a lot about us and how we think. He was the father of propaganda. He studied crowd-psychology and how to manipulate the minds of the masses... moreEdward Bernays: Know who he was? He knew a lot about us and how we think. He was the father of propaganda. He studied crowd-psychology and how to manipulate the minds of the masses. After he discovered that Joseph Goebbels was using his work in Nazi Germany, he re-branded "propaganda," later renaming it: "Public Relations." Certainly everyone is familiar with that term.Here are some of Bernays' own explanations of propaganda and how it works:"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country... Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet...They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key position in the social structure. Whatever attitude one chooses t... less
One MOAB costs about $16 million, and 20 have been produced, according to the military equipment site Deagel.comIn other news Mara a Largo has been cited for 13 "high priority... moreOne MOAB costs about $16 million, and 20 have been produced, according to the military equipment site Deagel.comIn other news Mara a Largo has been cited for 13 "high priority health code violations... 2 pertaining to the handling of meat. Spending inordinate money on ordinance to kill brown people living in a hole is OK but you gotta keep your meat from going from going rancid. Is that the secret of your special meatloaf,?http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/13/health/mar-a-lago-health-inspection-trnd/index.html less
April 14, 1865...and then Sir John Tenniel, the political brilliant satirist for PUNCH Magazine who had lampooned President Lincoln mercilessly, submitted this to Punch after Linco... moreApril 14, 1865...and then Sir John Tenniel, the political brilliant satirist for PUNCH Magazine who had lampooned President Lincoln mercilessly, submitted this to Punch after Lincoln's death.* * *And with the exception of Johnson, every president since Kennedy has been threatened with assassination.