I've just found an old friend who has returned to Answermug after a long break and I'd like to message him and talk about the old times, but there's no message feature in his profi... moreI've just found an old friend who has returned to Answermug after a long break and I'd like to message him and talk about the old times, but there's no message feature in his profile. How do I message him?
The deal calls for investment in anti-recidivism programs and lower mandatory minimum sentences for drug and other offenses. It is being put forth by a coalition of moderate Democr... moreThe deal calls for investment in anti-recidivism programs and lower mandatory minimum sentences for drug and other offenses. It is being put forth by a coalition of moderate Democrats and Republicans in Congress.Granted, there are real reasons to dislike the guy, but for the group of you that constantly harps on and insists on beating into the ground the ridiculous, baseless theme of Trump as some kind of Hitler reincarnate, and believes that all of us who disagree with you are so-called "Trumpicans" - and you all know who you are, here's a chance to elevate your intellect and show your ability to actually think and engage in intelligent, rational discussion for a change. less
Once a liar, always a liar, the old saying goes. Turns out there’s some scientific truth to that - lying begets more lying. - https://time.com/4540707/lying-lies-brain/Exampl... moreOnce a liar, always a liar, the old saying goes. Turns out there’s some scientific truth to that - lying begets more lying. - https://time.com/4540707/lying-lies-brain/Example: The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of Oct. 30, 2018. (Meg Kelly/ Glenn Kessler and Salvador Rizzo The Washington Post)On Sept. 7, President Trump woke up in Billings, Mont., flew to Fargo, N.D., visited Sioux Falls, S.D., and eventually returned to Washington. He spoke to reporters on Air Force One, held a pair of fundraisers and was interviewed by three local reporters.In that single day, he publicly made 125 false or misleading statements — in a period of time that totaled only about 120 minutes. It was a new single-day high.The day before, the president made 74 false or misleading claims, many at a campaign rally in Montana. An anonymous op-ed article by a senior administration official had just been published in the New York Tim... less
This is a companion question to one that was posted by another member. Original question:"What would you do if you were out and came across a friend's significant other who ap... moreThis is a companion question to one that was posted by another member. Original question:"What would you do if you were out and came across a friend's significant other who appeared to be out with someone other than your friend?"https://answermug.com/forums/topic/69430/what-would-you-do-if-you-were-out-and-came-across-a-friend-s-sig~
I hate the interface of Windows from 8 on. Classic Shell creates an old school start menu. However, I'm afraid it may actually have a virus now. I've used it on all my computers fo... moreI hate the interface of Windows from 8 on. Classic Shell creates an old school start menu. However, I'm afraid it may actually have a virus now. I've used it on all my computers for years, but had some kind of malware on my last couple systems- a DNS changer. It took me forever to eradicate it on the last two systems and I don't remember how I did it. I even went so far as to get rid of my router and most antivirus, malware, and process killers do not ever find anything wrong. At most, RKill is finding the processes it's starting and shutting them off, but I cannot find where the stupid bug is actually hiding. I fear it's actually in Classic Shell and has been the whole time. It's the only program besides Office that I have installed on all infected computers. Do any of you know alternatives to it or have you had similar issues with Classic Shell? less
We can make our own decisions to change name, gender, or gender identification. Transgender people can have their genders changed on their birth certificates. Why shouldn't changes... moreWe can make our own decisions to change name, gender, or gender identification. Transgender people can have their genders changed on their birth certificates. Why shouldn't changes of age/birth date be allowed? If sex doesn't objectively exist, why does age? If feelings determine sex, why don't feelings determine age? If we are to regard sex as assigned at birth, why don't we regard age as assigned at birth?