I always dreamed of living by the ocean, having a boat, and a son to go fishing with. That dream came true and it was even better than I had imagined because we caught tons o... moreI always dreamed of living by the ocean, having a boat, and a son to go fishing with. That dream came true and it was even better than I had imagined because we caught tons of fish and had fun doing it. There were about eight years there, until he discovered girls, that I would call my best years so far. But being retired, now that I'm getting used to the idea of not becoming rich or famous, is starting to shape up nicely too. I'll keep you posted.
I came across this essay and the author pretty much sums up my thoughts, too.Do you think the author has a point? I do.Oh, by the way -- I'm completely biased in my opinion, so I k... moreI came across this essay and the author pretty much sums up my thoughts, too.Do you think the author has a point? I do.Oh, by the way -- I'm completely biased in my opinion, so I know I'm right, too! Ha!:)I saw the movie only once. I liked it a LOT, too. But I remember I had the same type of thoughts as expressed in the essay. Maybe not quite so strongly, though.:)
Dear the 2004 Romantic Drama The Notebook,
I know this seems like it might be coming a little late, but as they say - better late than never! After all, Allie waited seven years for Noah to come find her, never realizing that he had attempted to write her every day for a year but her mother intercepted all of the letters before they reached her. And when Allie and Noah finally did reunite after years and years of being apart, they discovered their passion for one another had not died at all. I've taken this to heart and decided that it's never too late to tell someone how you truly feel. So let me just say this...
I remember that in the context of the movie, this scene at the beginning of the romantic comedy "Garden State" had me howling with laughter. Watching it again just now basically ju... moreI remember that in the context of the movie, this scene at the beginning of the romantic comedy "Garden State" had me howling with laughter. Watching it again just now basically just saddened me."Garden State" surprised me in how much I enjoyed the entire movie.:)
knocked on people's doors and asked if they wanted their grass cut. My going rate was $5 per yard, regardless of size (there wasn't a wide nor extreme range in yard size then, the ... moreknocked on people's doors and asked if they wanted their grass cut. My going rate was $5 per yard, regardless of size (there wasn't a wide nor extreme range in yard size then, the neighborhood had a lot of cookie-cutter development to it). Satisfying demand was simple to the point of being foolproof: go to the houses where the grass was badly in need of being cut, the person would see me standing there with my own lawn mower, the acceptance rate was about 80%. I carried the gas can with me so that I could extend my potential range of work area with stopping. My number one customer base was the elderly people, because they were so glad and grateful to have someone offer to do it rather than having to ask someone or look for someone. In a few short weeks, I had an actual route of repeat customers, some of whom I'd cut their grass so regularly that after a while, I didn't even need to knock on the door each time. We had an arrangement, and I'd collect later if they were not home. I never got stiffed b... less
It keeps suggesting I send videos to my ex, who coincidentally appears right next to my divorce attorney on the list. O_oAre you guys getting odd suggestions too?
This was a made-for-TV movie.One movie critic's review said something like this - - "The last 30 minutes of this movie could quite possibly be the most terrifying 30 minutes ever m... moreThis was a made-for-TV movie.One movie critic's review said something like this - - "The last 30 minutes of this movie could quite possibly be the most terrifying 30 minutes ever made for TV."I agree.
A man in Europe is suing to do just that. He is 69yrs old but says he looks and feels like he is 49 yrs old. Claims is would help him with job opportunity and credit issues (n... moreA man in Europe is suing to do just that. He is 69yrs old but says he looks and feels like he is 49 yrs old. Claims is would help him with job opportunity and credit issues (new car etc) And it would help his dating prospects on Tinder. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46133262We could all identify as a 65 yr old and get Social Security, right?
Two large Dem counties. Keep finding votes. The offical has refused to give the total votes. They are supposed to know election night how many votes there are to be counted. ... moreTwo large Dem counties. Keep finding votes. The offical has refused to give the total votes. They are supposed to know election night how many votes there are to be counted. Has refused to allowed the party observers to watch the votes being counted. One official has been previously found to have destroyed ballots.The lawyers are there and getting ready for all.Get ready for hanging chads etc.