Hello:Would it be GOOD to:1) RID ourselves of the filibuster, 2) PASS massive infrastructure,3) PROTECT voter rights, 4) END police unions, 5) REVAMP the police, 6) PASS the Green ... moreHello:Would it be GOOD to:1) RID ourselves of the filibuster, 2) PASS massive infrastructure,3) PROTECT voter rights, 4) END police unions, 5) REVAMP the police, 6) PASS the Green New Deal, 7) MAKE college free,8) END homelessness, 9) MANDATE vaccination and mask wearing,10) END the drug war, 11) PASS Medicare for all,12) END gerrymandering forever, and PAY for all this with a massive tax upon the 1%.. Yeah.. Would that be good?excon
I was driving (the speed limit) in my car and this song came on the car radio - - Wow - - I forgot how much I enjoy the song and Tracy Chapman
"Fast Car" Tracy Chapman
I used to use ATM's that are located outside a financial institution's building. However, I learned that somebody could attach a device to the ATM and record a customer's ATM... moreI used to use ATM's that are located outside a financial institution's building. However, I learned that somebody could attach a device to the ATM and record a customer's ATM card number and PIN, using that information to withdraw money from the customer's accounts. As such, I always use ATM's that are located inside a financial institution that are in full view of bank employees.
Hello:When I was in the Navy, I received 17 different vaccines. Nobody asked me. Are things different now? Should our soldiers be FREE to refuse the COVID vaccine??excon
Some time ago I was standing on a stairs facing upwards when I somehow lost my balance and fell backwards. Nothing broken but I had some soreness for a while afterwards.
The study aims to understand infection in healthy adults to aid development of RSV medicines, vaccines. A new study will expose healthy adult volunteers to respiratory sy... moreThe study aims to understand infection in healthy adults to aid development of RSV medicines, vaccines. A new study will expose healthy adult volunteers to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a virus that causes cold-like symptoms in adults.
The ancient Romans really were a patriarchal society. They had to listen to grandpa until he died, then dad got to be in charge until he died. It didn’t matter to... moreThe ancient Romans really were a patriarchal society. They had to listen to grandpa until he died, then dad got to be in charge until he died. It didn’t matter to them if you turned 18.
In my case, if my mom were in charge, I’d have a different job, different spouse and a different religion. In my husband’s case, there’s absolutely no way his parents would have let him marry me.
This question was partially inspired by this question: https://answermug.com/forums/topic/132439/what-are-some-things-that-people-stop-doing-when-a-pivotal-or-i/view/post_id/917795 less
Either specifically in your experiences, or with people in general, think of some things that people stop doing when a pivotal* or influential* relative of theirs passes away.... moreEither specifically in your experiences, or with people in general, think of some things that people stop doing when a pivotal* or influential* relative of theirs passes away.
Examples: stop in-fighting, stop gathering for events that previously centered on the deceased when she or he was alive, stop sweating the small stuff, stop procrastinating, stop a good habit, stop a bad habit, stop making excuses, stop feeling sorry for oneself, stop feeling anything at all, stop hurting, stop remembering how the deceased looked, stop enjoying life, stop caring about anyone or anything, stop grieving, stop loving the deceased (my former stepfather was in his forties when his mother passed away, he shocked me by expressing that he felt she had betrayed him by dying, that he had never and could never imagine life on earth without her, saw her death as a personal slight against him for which he could not forgive her).
*For those of you who want to respond, the words “pivotal” and “influential&rd... less