I live in San Francisco, California. Senior citizens who are at least age 65 and whose annual household income does not exceed a specific amount are able to ride public trans... moreI live in San Francisco, California. Senior citizens who are at least age 65 and whose annual household income does not exceed a specific amount are able to ride public transit for free. I am a senior citizen and I live alone. I ride public transit for free because my annual household income is below 89,650 dollars. Two senior citizens who share a household qualify for free public transit if their annual household income is below 102,500 dollars.
I was in a high rise apartment building over the weekend and I went to the top floor, above the penthouse and the button in the elevator said "SP" what does this mean?
I have attended over a dozen funerals during my lifetime of 70 years. Perhaps due to cultural or regional customs (I live in San Francisco, California), food was never served to mo... moreI have attended over a dozen funerals during my lifetime of 70 years. Perhaps due to cultural or regional customs (I live in San Francisco, California), food was never served to mourners after the funeral service in the homes of relatives or friends of the deceased. Instead, relatives or friends of the deceased always host a restaurant meal for the mourners after the funeral service.In all the funerals that I've attended, there was an average of 50 mourners. Insufficient space in people's home to accommodate an average of 50 mourners is also a consideration for relatives or friends of the decease to host a restaurant meal. less
Because, instead of derision and division, I will continually hope for kindness and unity. (Yeah, I answered my own question.)I hope someone watches and I wish all of you wel... moreBecause, instead of derision and division, I will continually hope for kindness and unity. (Yeah, I answered my own question.)I hope someone watches and I wish all of you well.:)EDIT: I tried to post the video. It would not post. I found another video. What I did post is the actual video and song of which I speak -- except there is an unnecessary and unrelated animated little clip at the very end, after Matt's video is finished. Sorry.
Hello:Steve Jobs died of eminently treatable cancer.. But, instead of treating it, he drank herbal tea and meditated.. Of course, he died a HORRIBLE death. And, t... moreHello:Steve Jobs died of eminently treatable cancer.. But, instead of treating it, he drank herbal tea and meditated.. Of course, he died a HORRIBLE death. And, the most horrible part, is that he did that to himself.Kinda like people who don't wanna wear masks or get vaccinated.. Say hi to Steve for me.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs#Death excon
I was able to eat spicy food without any problems when I was in my 20's and 30's. However, my tolerance for spicy food changed when I was in my 40's due to digestive issues.&... moreI was able to eat spicy food without any problems when I was in my 20's and 30's. However, my tolerance for spicy food changed when I was in my 40's due to digestive issues. As such, I no longer eat spicy food.
A little three-year-old boy is sitting on the toilet. His mother thinks he has been in there too long, so she goes in to see what's up. The little boy is sitting on the toilet read... moreA little three-year-old boy is sitting on the toilet. His mother thinks he has been in there too long, so she goes in to see what's up. The little boy is sitting on the toilet reading a book. But about every 10 seconds or so he puts the book down, grips onto the toilet seat with his left hand, and hits himself on top of the head with his right hand. His mother says: "Billy, are you all right? You've been in here for a while…Billy says: "I'm fine, mommy…i just haven't gone 'doody' yet."Mother says: "ok, you can stay here a few more minutes. But, Billy, why are you hitting yourself on the head?"Billy says: "works for ketchup." less
A few years ago I accidentally swallowed a chicken bone that got stuck in my throat. The emergency room doctor could not remove the chicken bone but was able to determined th... moreA few years ago I accidentally swallowed a chicken bone that got stuck in my throat. The emergency room doctor could not remove the chicken bone but was able to determined that the chicken bone did not interfere with my breathing. I had an operation a few days later to remove the chicken bone.
I have been on a few and my favorite part while portaging is making ghost sounds inside the canoe. There is something about the shape of a canoe that makes ghost sounds seem really... moreI have been on a few and my favorite part while portaging is making ghost sounds inside the canoe. There is something about the shape of a canoe that makes ghost sounds seem really scary. Cheers and happy weekend!
investigations are completed? I am NOT referring to cases where the suspect is unknown, nor am I referring to the perpetrator having access that allows or might allow for evid... moreinvestigations are completed? I am NOT referring to cases where the suspect is unknown, nor am I referring to the perpetrator having access that allows or might allow for evidence tampering. I am not referring to killers’ efforts to hide a crime, or to cover their involvement. I’m referring to the fact that currently, police officers, detectives, paramedics and firefighters are often the first officials to witness dead bodies. After that, the medical examiner, coroner’s staff, etc have access to the scene of the death. Once the investigation or investigations are completed and the body has been taken away to the morgue, some death scenes are left exactly as they are, others benefit from specialized companies or services that clean up those areas. Other times, the family, the property owner, tenant, resident or other user, some third parties that are the ones who clean up scenes of death, if it happens at all.
*This encompasses a wide range of deaths that take place as the result... less
I saw the movie in theaters when it was a new release back in the 80s, and I was much less impressed with it than all of its hype and all of its fans made it out to b... more
I saw the movie in theaters when it was a new release back in the 80s, and I was much less impressed with it than all of its hype and all of its fans made it out to be some great example of visionary cinema. Last night on television, they broadcast “Blade Runner: The Final Cut”. I thought I’d give it another chance, and all I can say in retrospect is that I want my two hours back.
Similar to the perspective that it was hard to work out the plot, I found it hard to follow, hard to maintain my interest, weird, far too long for everything that happened in it (a 30-minute running time as a short film would have sufficed), and basically an excuse to prop up a chauvinist and misogynistic production rife with senseless violence and hero-worship sexual interaction.
Had Harrison Ford not been recognized for his fame in both the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies, his appearance in “Blade Runner” would have had far less draw of fans, this movie was nothing mo... less
One of my grounds keeping customers got a full size Black bear for their yard and it looks pretty real because it has fur and glass eyes. They put it in an area were you can'... moreOne of my grounds keeping customers got a full size Black bear for their yard and it looks pretty real because it has fur and glass eyes. They put it in an area were you can't see it untill you get around a corner so it is a surprise when you first see it. It really surprised me today and I kind of think they started setting me up for the surprise a couple of weeks ago when they started telling me that they saw bears in the area. Back then I thought it was odd that they would see a bear in their yard because there is a lot of barking dogs in the area and bears avoid areas like that because they have sensitive ears. I think they knew they would be getting a trick bear. Cheers and happy weekend! less
My grandmother was born during the last decade of the 19th century. She hated wearing corsets because the undergarment restricted her breathing. Still, at the insistenc... moreMy grandmother was born during the last decade of the 19th century. She hated wearing corsets because the undergarment restricted her breathing. Still, at the insistence of my great-grandmother, my grandmother wore corsets to achieve the-then fashionable "hourglass" figure. My grandmother abandoned the wearing of corsets during the 1920's, when women wore looser-fitting dresses.